Monday, February 10, 2020

Recent Seattle Skies

Early 2020 Captures

Winter Sky
Late Afternoon
Looking out over Puget Sound
January 14 2020

ONE ship southbound to Tacoma
Snapped from home on January 5 2020

New Snow Cap on Olympic Mountains
Looking west from Seattle
January 30 2020

Dramatic Sunset
February 1, 2020
Editorial Note

Here on John's Island we should be in the middle of a series of posts about last Fall's Discovery Cruise to, among other places, the Canadian Maritime Provinces. My 5-Month "Blog Break" has made getting back in the routine a challenge. I do hope to continue with the series as we move ahead, but in the meantime, here are a few early 2020 captures I thought worth adding to the blog. Best regards from Seattle.


  1. Thank you for these lovely shots, John. I am also struggling to find the blogging routine that is fun for me and doesn't feel like a chore. Take your time, but whenever you show up in my news feed is a good day for me :-)

  2. You live in a very scenic area and have taken lots of good photos

  3. That snow capped mountain is an amazing sight. Keep on sharing the beauty you see.

  4. Underbara och dramatiska bilder John! Du befinner dig på en plats där naturen har mycket att erbjuda för den som vill se. Bilden på det snötäckta Olympic Mountains där solen träffar topparna medan resten av berget befinner sig i skugga ger spännande kontraster.


  5. Hi John- terrific photos- well done! Cheers. KEV.

  6. O John, I love to see the snow on Olympic Mountains! So nice.

  7. Hello, It is always nice to see a new post from you John! I love the beautiful skies and mountain view you have there. I will look forward to seeing photos from your cruise. Wishing you a happy day and week ahead!

  8. The Olympic Mts are gorgeous snow covered and love your sunset! You are an amazing photographer! Enjoy your day!

  9. Love the photos, especially the mountains. Not many around here.

  10. Good to hear from you, John. Do take care!

  11. Beautiful skies in all your photos, John. I especially loved the snow capped mountains. Blogging should be enjoyable-- don't stess over it and share when you can.

  12. Lovely pictures of the snow capped mountains and the sunset. We haven't seen a lot of neither snow nor sun here this winter! (south Sweden)

  13. Such lovely skies and mountain views …
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  14. Beautiful captures John! I LOVE those snowy mountains!!

  15. hope enjoying your new year blissfully dear dear John

    these are exquisite captures ,sunset is powerfully captivating!

  16. hi dear John

    i am here to drop my best wishes
    stay well healthy and safe!

  17. Hello John! Hope you are all well and calm just like these beautiful skies!

  18. Hope you are well, John. Just checking in!

    I may have left a comment yesterday saying this, but i can not remember. Sorry if you get two!


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