Saturday, January 11, 2020

Acadia National Park

The view here is looking South-Southeast, down the water's edge to Otter Cliff, with the Atlantic Ocean in the distance. Looking straight into the ocean beyond, the next "land" will be Venezuela, South America, about 2300 miles (3700 km) away. It was a glorious blue-sky day.
Acadia National Park
Photo above taken September 22, 2019  10:01 AM
On September 22, 2019, the MS Veendam arrived in Bar Harbor, Maine. This was my first opportunity to set foot in the State of Maine. After disembarking, via tender, we boarded a motorcoach for a short ride to Acadia National Park. Inside the Park, at Sand Beach, we started an appx. 2-mile walk/hike along the water's edge to Otter Cliff. The weather was perfect and so was the scenery. This was my first visit to Acadia National Park and I was impressed with the beauty. Acadia is known as the Crown Jewel of the North Atlantic Coast. Its one of the top 10 most-visited national parks in the United States.

The discovery of Acadia was actually somewhat of a surprise. Those of you who follow the blog here know that I am into walking. Holland America had offered a tour in Bar Harbor called "A Walk on the Beach." I had signed up for that without even realizing the "beach" would be in a National Park. So this was a very pleasant discovery. As one who collects postcards it's no surprise that I purchased the postcard below as a souvenir.

In my opinion travel is one of the best educators. I did not know that Bar Harbor, Maine, is actually on an island, Mount Desert Island, with only one state highway connecting it to the mainland. The population of Bar Harbor, according to the 2010 Census, was about 5,200.


  1. It is a beautiful area. I visited in 1979.

    1. I think you were lucky to see it before all the crowds. It is so beautiful but, like Yellowstone, which I'm very familiar with, people are loving these Parks to death.

  2. Hello, Pretty view of the park and ocean. I have been there once for a short visit. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

    1. Thanks Eileen. I wonder if you did a post with pictures from your visit. It would be one I would not want to miss. :-) Have a happy weekend!

    2. Hi John, I had go back and look to see if I did a blog post on Acadia, this is on my travel blog.

  3. What a wonderful experience,John. How lucky that you got to go along-not even realizing where you were headed. lol
    Have a wonderful 2020! Diana

    1. Hi Diana, Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment. And may I return wishes for a wonderful 2020 to you and yours.

  4. We went there on holiday back in 2009 and had a wonderful time there.

    1. I think you were lucky to go back in 2009 ... the crowds are loving the place to death now. They are now looking at ways to limit the number of visitors per day.

  5. You got lucky and had a good tour .

    1. Indeed, it was a lucky day. Stay tuned for my visit to Canada!

  6. Thanks Ruth. Hope you have a great weekend. By the way, I sure enjoyed Steve's post on your blog. That camera he has is amazing, but his "eye" is even better. I think he got that from you. :-)

  7. I never heard of Acadia before. I learned something new and look forward to learning more. BTW, you are right that it was you not allowing comments that gave rise to my post, but others sometimes turn off comments when they don’t want to be bothered. You has been gone so long and I really wanted to welcome you back to the blogosphere. You are a very special virtual friend, after all.

    1. Thank you DJan! I do appreciate your kind welcome back and, yes, you are a special virtual friend. My next stop today is Eye on the Edge [ ] ... I look forward to each new weekly post! Have a great rest of the weekend, and take good care as we move through next week with the coming snow and arctic air.

  8. Nice to see you back, John!

    I was reading one of your older posts recently, about a photo with a ton of views. I have one like that too and it is not even a very good photo. It has like 2,000 views, but I don't know why!

    Do you have your blog advertised on other sites or just here on Blogger?

    1. Hi Sandi, Thank you for the nice welcome back. I don't have any advertising, anywhere, for John's Island, at least as far as I know. Page views are fascinating but often I don't understand their source.

  9. It looks a beautiful area :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan! Best regards to you for the week ahead! John

  10. I always wondered what Acadia NP looked like in person. What a beautiful view that must be! Glad to see you back here! Have a blessed weekend!


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