Sunday, January 5, 2020

Seven Seas Navigator

Regents Seven Seas MS Navigator
Boston, Massachusetts
September 21, 2019
After a visit to Boston for a few days, I was, on September 21, 2019, aboard Holland America's Veendam for a "New England in the Fall" cruise. (More about that trip in future posts.) As we departed the cruise terminal in Boston, the Veendam went into reverse to back all the way out of the terminal slot. I thought this was pretty cool because I was standing on an aft deck and felt as if though I could have been at the wheel. A perfect spot for photos. The first thing to really catch my attention was the MS Navigator docked at the same terminal. As we passed her I snapped the picture above. As one who has done a little bit of travel aboard ships, I will say that the Navigator appears to be just about the perfect size. Small enough to get into some of the more unusual ports, but big enough to smooth out the usual ocean surface.

Comments are back, if you wish to leave one, or perhaps ask a question.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Marie, Nice to hear from you. Yes, busy indeed. On one of my trips I visited Charlottetown, which, I think, is not too far from you. Beautiful country there!

  2. It is good to see you back in blogland. That picture is amazing. The white ship against the blue sky and water is so striking.

  3. That's a nice looking ship.
    I wondered what happened to the comments! Nice that we can comment again. :)

  4. Good to see you back on the blog.

  5. Oh, happy days! I can tell you now how much I've missed you, and to thank you for letting me visit AND comment. :-)

    1. Thank you DJan! Always good to hear from you. Your comment will have me smiling all day.

  6. Hi John and welcome back!

    Har saknat dina trevliga inlägg från promenaderna inklusive de bilder du brukar bjuda på från naturen.
    Ibland behövs en paus men är glad att du är tillbaka.

    Önskar dig en God Fortsättning på det nya året!


    1. Hi Gunilla! Thank you so much. It is always great to hear from you. Happy New Year to you over in beautiful Sweden!

  7. Hello John, welcome back!

    All the best Jan


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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