Monday, March 8, 2021

Hello March

Everytime I start wondering what will be in my next post, nature provides answers.

I've been feeding hummingbirds for 9 months.

I can't think of any human invention that can
move around, with the same precision, as these little birds.

Hummer pics are easier to capture at sunset when
they are heavy feeders.

I wonder what shutter speed will capture the wings
without motion. I'll experiment with that.

I tried this feeder for a few days.
It did not seem as popular with the birds as the other feeders.

It is hard for me to identify individual birds.
I'm fairly sure this one is new in the last week or so.

I believe this is a female Anna's hummingbird.

Although hummers are almost always moving, in some way, there
are times when they are perfectly still for several seconds.

The usual routine.

While watching for hummers I happened to notice this
American Robin cleaning up in a pool of water.
Fascinating: Although European and American Robins have
different appearances, the breast color is precisely the same.

My view to the west gives me a nice look at colorful sunsets.

Sometimes it's hard to pic a favorite of just one sunset.

March 1, 2021

A break in the clouds creates a spotlight effect.
Not noticed when snapping the photo ... see below

A solitary sailboat.
Wondered what it was like to be in the spotlight on the boat.

Some hazy conditions help define the foothills in the Olympic
Mountain Range to the west.

This view looks over Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island

The morning view to the west is especially nice when
we have the sun illuminating the
fresh snow cover on the Olympic Mountains.
Beyond the mountains it's a cloudy day.

A container ship arriving in Seattle with an exceptionally
small load of freight.

A Matson freighter departing, probably from Tacoma,
the port south of us. It looks like this ship had a rough winter.

A house in the neighborhood. (No, not mine.)
I admire the landscaping.

In my view to the northwest is this place 
known as "The Admiral's House"
It has a beautiful setting right above Elliott Bay Marina

Impressed with the blooms on this tree.
So colorful and the blue sky made a neat background.

Lastly ...
The 2021 Iditarod is underway. 46 mushers are competing to see who can be first to finish this year's 852 mile race. I'm watching online at

The 2021 Iditarod started on Sunday March 7
The event was streamed live on

Map of the 852 mile race which is from Deshka Landing, Alaska
to Flat and back to Deshka Landing.

Closing thought ...

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.

   — Albert Einstein


  1. Wow, John, such a wonderful post filled with delights. I love the hummer pictures, and also the bathing robin. Many gasps of wonder at your beautiful sky shots, too. Thank you for the lovely visit.

  2. Those little guys are amazing!!!
    WOW gorgeous Sky pictures.

  3. John, I love those sky shots and I can't wait for the Hummingbirds to arrive in my area. They are supposed to get here next month and I will be ready for them.

  4. Oh am I ever glad i don't have to pick just one favorite.I love the Hummers, but then those scenic shots are gorgeous as well. Keep them coming. Hope you have a great week.

  5. Awesome sunsets from your place. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Love the light on the sailboat you captured and all the gorgeous skies.

    I have a hummingbird feeder for this coming season. Don’t know if I’ll be as lucky as you have been. You are the hummingbird whisperer.

    Our harbour is solidly iced in. No boat traffic here for a while but the temperature will be just above zero the rest of this week.

  7. Hello John,
    You are so lucky to see the hummers all winter. They are one of my many favorite birds. The sunset photos are gorgeous, beautiful views of the mountains and water. The house and landscaping does look pretty. I recently bought a new hummingbird feeder, I will not see them until late April. Wonderful photos. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  8. these views you shared here took my breath away dear John :)

    what a marvelous and magnificent each shot is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    the enchantment of your capture cast spell on me absolutely BEAUTIFUL thank you for transforming my evening !

  9. Beautiful pictures! I do love hummingbirds and have feeders out on our patio. I live in Utah so it is too early for hummingbirds to be out here but I look forward to seeing them every day all summer. You have a lovely blog. :-)

  10. Hi John- Wonderful photos of the Hummers, Scenery Mountains and Ships- certainly a beaut place is Seattle. We're heading into Winter with the Autumn days being rather cool. Stay well and safe there. KEV.

  11. Life is made every day, do not wait for Friday or the holiday to be happy. Every day of life is worth living well, because every day can be special.

  12. Wow ... what a spectacle the photos are here, they are so beautiful !. The photos of hummingbirds and sunsets amaze me with their beauty.
    Cool your photography, John.
    Have a super week!

  13. I so enjoyed your 'Hello March' post.
    So many lovely photographs of the hummingbirds, they are such a beautiful bird.
    The scenery of mountains and ships are lovely too and such gorgeous colour in many of your photographs.
    All in all a big hit with me.
    Many thanks, and keep on enjoying this month of March.

    All the best Jan

  14. Wonderful hummers, beautiful skies, the water! What a perfect Paradise you have there. And all the ships for a bit of spice.

  15. What superb photos,John. Mother Nature is always changing. Hummers are such fascinating birds and you capture them on camera so perfectly. What amazes me is how far down the baby hummers throats the mother place their Food!


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....