Friday, July 16, 2021

Recent Snaps

A big bunch of snaps ... mostly along the waterfront taken on my daily walks ...

This walk is also known as the Elliott Bay Trail,
Seattle, Washington

Walking southbound, Mt Rainier ...
in the distance (about 50 miles - 80 km)

Somedays you can see Mt Rainier and some you can't.
On good days the locals like to say, "The mountain is out."
The original people who lived in this area had some
interesting legends about when this mountain was visible.

An area of sandy beach along the waterfront.

This year I've seen lots of bunnies.
They are cute and most walkers seem to enjoy seeing them.

For those of you who enjoy critter photos like I do, take a look over at Saturday's Critters. Eileen has posted some excellent photos she took at Bombay Hook NWR. And, you can check out other blogs that link up with her.

A curiosity.
Someone spent a while here. 🕟

If this temps you to leave a comment, please do so, but
see if you can say something in a positive way. I say that with a smile.

Hummingbirds love this flower.
It's Crocosmia.

The thing about this shot is the tall grass.
It's hard to tell in this shot, but ...
I can't believe it is nearly 6 feet tall.

Not a walk snap but a early morning
capture from home with the last full moon shining on Puget Sound.

Closing thought ...

Wishing all those who view my blog a happy day.

Update ... Saturday, July 17

Serenity of the Seas arrived this morning and docked at Pier 91.
The "official" opening of Seattle's Cruise Season will be
Monday when this ship departs for Alaska.

Spotted an "eagle" on this morning's walk.

We've run out of parking spaces.
Cruise ships are anchoring out in Elliott Bay while
all docking space at the Terminals is taken with other ships.
This one is Holland America's Nieuw Amsterdam which
will start it's cruise season from Seattle next Saturday.

Ovation of the Seas is also anchored out.
It is not scheduled to begin its cruise season 
until August 13th.

The bunnies were out in force this morning.

Update, Sunday, July 18th

Highlight of this morning's walk.
Great Blue Heron by water's edge.
The water was so still it was like a mirror.
Beautiful blue sky day, mid 60s, perfect!

Update, Monday, July 19

Spotted the Great Blue Heron again on this morning's walk.

The mountain is out, as they say.
Pretty good visibility this morning.

Island Bay bulk carrier vessel arrived yesterday.
She is delivering the ingredients for concrete.
A barge has already been brought aside for unloading.
The little red boat is the Pacific Arrow ...
Port Authority vessel.

Another shot with Pacific Arrow.

Noticed this sign on Majestic Princess which is docked
at Pier 91 Cruise Ship Terminal.
Not sure if this is new for Covid or for some other
security reason

Update, Tuesday, July 20

Pier 91 as viewed from top of the hill today.
Majestic Princess and Nieuw Amsterdam docked.
Island Bay anchored to the left and distant.

Island Bay is delivering material for making concrete.
Multiple ships have done this in the past few months.
State Ferry in the background.

Weather: Pleasant temperatures, afternoon about 70F (21C), partly cloudy. 

Update, Wednesday, July 21

These are unusual times.
In years past it has been rare for cruise ships to dock 
overnight at the Pier 91 Terminal.
The ships take on a different kind of beauty at night.
Here is Holland America's Nieuw Amsterdam
as she looked very early this morning.

Update, Thursday, July 22

Clouds above but clear to the south this morning.
Good visibility for capturing a shot of Mt Rainier.

Possibly the same Great Blue Heron I've seen in recent days.


  1. Hello, John!
    I loved all your photos, what a pretty spot for your walks. The views when the mountain is "out" are fabulous. The flowers are beautiful and I love the cute bunny. The Moon light on the sound is lovely. I can not imagine anyone have a negative comment on your post and photos, I really enjoyed every photo. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. I couldn't agree more with the last bunny's advice! TFS ~

  3. First off, thank you so much for your comments on my blog. After reading your latest comment, i was encouraged to make a new blog post. You see such lovely sights along your walks. I couldn't pick a favourite from this set, all are equally beautiful .

  4. What a beautiful place to walk. Mt. Rainier is a treat to see. Beautiful photos of the majestic mountain. Love the bunnies out to greet walkers too.

  5. John, I am very behind with my blogging and am so glad to see this post. You have some beautiful photographs! I agree with your bit of advice at the end. A peaceful life is the best life.

  6. With views like this , I think I would walk all day. Great scenery and photos.

  7. Hello John,
    Your photos are gorgeous, I am in awe of the Mt Rainier photos. It is great to see the mountain in a clear sky. Love the cute bunny, adorable photos. The bunny has a smart and true message. What a great walk. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  8. Hi John!! :) Firstly...I LOVE your closing thought. Negativity is toxic and can unfortunately be contagious. I deal with a bit of that and I never respond. Good advice. You have such a lovely place to walk! Oh the bunnies!!! :))) Btw, I was inspired by that video you showed a little while back of all the hummingbird feeders...I'm slowly adding to my collection! I have 3 so far. I'll post next week about that, but wanted to thank you for that video! :)

  9. Hi John, I'm glad to see you are still going out for your walks and producing some wonderful photos which always delight me to see. For some reason I seem to miss picking up your posts. Send some bunnies here we have not had any around in a while

  10. Hello John
    So pleased to see your photographs from your walks. I enjoy walks but don't often stop to take photographs - perhaps I should!
    The bunnies are very sweet aren't they, and I like your closing thought.

    It's Saturday as I type this, so I wish you a good weekend.

    All the best Jan (and Eddie)

  11. I've been seeing lots of bunnies on my walks lately, too. More than usual; I guess they've been busy. And I am enjoying watching "Alone," but I have to wait each week for another episode to drop. I cried when I thought Rose was lost when her life vest inflated while she was in that cold, cold water. Thank goodness she survived!

  12. John, your Blue Heron shot is beautiful. I do love that reflection. Some of the best shots happen when the water is so calm. Enjoy your day.

  13. I just checked back again and see you got a closer shot of the heron. Beautiful!

  14. Hi John, you know we hear so much negative about Seattle these days, but your posts do this marvelous city justice. It is truly a beautiful city filled with so much culture and activity. Something for everyone.


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....