Thursday, September 30, 2021

Remember September

This post is probably too long for everyone except me. The truth is I'm spending less time on my computer and more time on other things. However, I'm still accumulating photos that I want organized to enjoy looking back on in times ahead. That's where John's Island comes in. This time snaps are organized into groups: skies, birds, aliens, ships, planes, etc. Most of the snaps are taken along my morning walks, a few from home. Unless otherwise identified all snaps are mine. 


1. Sunrise on the walk, September 16th

2. After sunset glow from home, September 7th

3. After sunset glow, September 7th

4. Crescent moon, September 9th

5. Crescent moon, September 9th

6. Sunrise, September 9th

7. Just before sunrise, September 14th

8. Just before sunrise, September 13th

9. Mt Rainier just after sunrise, September 21st

10. Full moon near moonset, September 21st

11. Full moon near moonset, September 21st

12. After sunset glow, from home, September 21st

13. Colorful Mt Rainier just after sunrise, September 22nd

14. Dusk, looking over the Marina, September 9th

The next 3 photos ... A spectacular sunset on Friday, September 24, had lots of folks sending their pics into the local TV station where they showed up on the evening news. Some of those pics were better than mine and, on the other hand, mine are better than some that made it on the air.  😊

15. Spectacular sunset, 1 of 3, September 24th

16. Spectacular sunset, 2 of 3, September 24th

17. Spectacular sunset, 3 of 3, September 24th


In my previous post (September 4, 2021) I explained the encounter with Matt and Patti at the waterfront park as they were banding a Coopers Hawk. They allowed my photos and were OK with my posting them on the blog. A day or so later I saw Matt again on the walk. He offered to send me a few more pictures that he had taken along the waterfront and he said I could share them here on the blog. What a pleasure to share Matt's excellent photography! Thank you again Matt!

18. The Coopers Hawk just before release. Matt's photo.
This is the hawk featured in my last post - September 4th

19. Patti is about to release the bird after banding. Matt's photo.

Fellow bloggers ... want to see more blogs featuring critters?  Check out Saturday's Critters.

20. Peregrine Falcon along the waterfront. Matt's photo.

21. Taking home breakfast! Matt's photo.

22. Along the walk at the waterfront. Matt's photo.


Imagine, for a moment, being on the walk in early twilight, and seeing a bright green light (as in the photo below) moving around the landscape. What could it be? Why was it there? It was difficult to research on Google as I didn't have much to go on. The first few times I saw the green light I did not see the laser transmitter on top of the building. Finally, on a morning with a bit of fog in the air, I could see the beam of green light flowing from top of the building. (See the photos.) I discovered this laser light is a development of a British company called Bird Control Group. The light will frighten birds and keep them from nesting in the landscaping. The buildings belong to the travel company, Expedia Group. Someday I hope to find out the reason for the lights here.  (more info at




Musical Interlude


26. Ovation of the Seas arriving in port.

27. Glass observation capsule called North Star
 can rise to about 300 feet above water level.

28. The North Star is a one-of-a-kind
experience that takes guests on a  journey high above the sea.
(As the cruise line describes it.)

29. Providing "breathtaking", 360-degree views.  😉

30. Early morning arrival of Ovation of the Seas.

31. National Geographic Venture

32. The Venture stayed for several days.

33. National Geographic Venture at Pier 90.

34. North Start fishing vessel.
(Yet another North Star!)

FAQ Why do I take pictures of ships?
Answer: Because they fascinate me and I love them.

35. Westwood Victoria, container ship, at anchor, awaiting
terminal for unloading.

36. Several freight ships await a spot to unload.
Maybe you are waiting for something in one of those containers?

37. Evergreen departing and a bulk carrier at anchor near
the Marina.

38. Frontier Spirit fishing vessel.

39. Always happy to see the Eagle again!

40. Grain ship arriving to be loaded at Terminal 86.
Foss tugs assisting.

41. One of the West Coast's major grain transfer terminals is
here in Seattle. Trains bring the grain, it's stored in the
 giant silos, and then loaded on
ships for international delivery, usually Asia.

42. A fishing vessel, the Katie Ann, with operational problems, 
brought to Seattle via tug Resolve Pioneer.

43. The Resolve Pioneer operates out of Alaskan waters.
How much does it cost to tow a vessel from Alaska to Seattle?

44. Resolve Pioneer stayed for several days before
returning to Alaska.


45. Nearby Boeing Field sends plenty of planes right
over the waterfront walk.

No, I don't take that many pics of planes. When walking the waterfront you'll be only about 6 miles from the north end of Boeing Field (King County International Airport). Planes are frequent and not that far overhead. When the light is right, I thought, why not take a shot? 😊
46. Planes, ships, trains ... I like 'em!

47. Airborne salute ... Kickoff Seattle Seahawks game.
Seahawks 1st home game for this season.
The stadium, Lumen Field, is close to the waterfront.

48. Lucky capture of one of the two jets in 47 as they returned.

Etc. (Miscellaneous snaps along my walks)

49. Nearing the end of my appx. 2 mile walk.

50. Abandoned sailboat hasn't moved in weeks.
Have heard multiple theories about why it is here.

51. For the clouds.

52. The bicycle path

53. 32' totem pole from Haines, Alaska
crafted by Tlingit Indians in 1975.

54. Totem pole story.

55. From the top: Eagle, Brown Bear, Killer Whale,
Hawk, Grizzly Bear, Strong Boy.

56. On the left ... Football stadium, Lumen Field.
On the right ... Baseball stadium, T Mobile Park.
Just before sunrise.
In the distance: Cascade Mountains

57. T Mobile Park

58. The ONLY rainbow of the summer on the walk.
September 22nd

59. Red sky morning, September 22nd

60. Space Needle, September 22nd

61. Bright, clear sky morning at the waterfront.

62. 2 mile long oil train ... topic of controversy.
As far as I know, it's a twice-a-week event.
Once northbound, once southbound.
I walked up on the pedestrian bridge to snap these pics,
looking north, then south.

63. A ship docked at Pier 91. Note the ship's flag.

64. Three cruise passengers who have figured out how to get
from the ship to downtown FREE. The waterfront trail
will get you there.

65. A cloudy morning but the beauty of the trees still
comes through.

66. After a rainy night.
Morning of September 28th

67. Morning of September 28th

68. September 28th

69. Mt Rainier is about 50 miles away.
The size of that mountain amazes me.
September 29th

70. Last walk in September ... the 30th
Looking across the bay to the sports stadiums and
commercial shipping terminals.

Nature Walks Lift the Spirits, Sharpen Thinking
from October, 2021, newsletter
Mind, Mood, & Memory
Massachusetts General Hospital
Closing thought ...
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” — Albert Einstein

It's About Time

Reminder: Daylight "Saving" Time begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM (March 9, 2025) in USA  100 years ago there were no smartphon...