Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Season's Greetings

The June solstice (summer solstice) in Seattle is at 2:13 am on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. In terms of daylight, this day is 7 hours, 34 minutes longer than the December solstice. In most locations north of the equator, the longest day of the year is around this date.

Recent Snaps

Summer rose in the Rose Garden along the walk.

Walking in the early sunlight is a delight.

Yes, I'm still walking about 2 miles almost every day.

Foss is one of the major tug operators in Seattle.

Kitsap Transit Fast Ferry -- Passengers only
Seattle to Bremerton

Fuel barge heading to fill up a cruise ship
docked at Pier 91

A large cruise ship ranging in length from 900 to 1,100 feet might hold 1 to 2 million gallons of fuel. Smaller vessels, like a 440-foot-long ferry, might carry around 130,000 gallons of fuel, while a gigantic ship measuring over 1,300 feet in length can tote over 4 million gallons.

Diesel fuel is currently averaging over $6 gallon in Seattle. You can do the math.

Let's hope the cruise lines locked in fuel purchases a year ago or so.

Sailboat adventures are available.

Mt Rainier on a really pretty morning.

Bunnies are all around. They were rarely seen during the
winter months.

Walking by this Mallard, I thought he was asleep.

A few seconds later.

It's rare for my hummers to share the feeder.
But, sometimes, they do.

This little Anna's hummingbird would take a drink
and then turn around to make sure I hadn't gotten
too close with the camera. 😊

A wild rose.

There are lots of wild rosebushes along the waterfront walk.

It's hard for me to just walk by this beauty.
Gotta stop and snap a picture.

Hard to say, but I think blue flowers are my favorite.

Buds on the left ... Bloom on the right.

Yellow rose of ... Washington?

Early walks ... long shadows.

Summer at last. Wishing all my friends and followers a fine summer. And, just in case you're in the Southern Hemisphere ... a fine winter. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Yes, the summer solstice is here, and so we begun the slide to winter, with its pleasant cool temperatures - far better than the 32 degrees we are expected to have to deal with today. Summer is not my favourite time!

  2. Hello John,
    Beautiful photos, I love all the pretty flowers, hummingbird and the ducks. Awesome shot of Mt Rainier. Great shadow shot. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. JOHN- The Sailboat reminds me of the very type that was used for an old TV Series: 'Adventures In Paradise'...a great show. Best Wishes. KEV.

  4. Our local rose garden is showing blooms much like these. And your pictures are always a delight to enjoy! Happy solstice, John!

  5. I always enjoy your walks, John. Along the way now, the beauty of the wildflowers is breath-taking. The birds and rabbits just add to it. Mt Rainier is one of my favourite John’s Island scenes. Don’t know if I’d get any walking done just admiring that mountain. The ships root us in reality and the variety is always fascinating.

    Enjoy your two miles a day in such beauty!

  6. Happy Summer.
    The roses are perfectly beautiful!!
    Sure are a lot of rabbits around here too. Saw 6 of them when I walked this morning. Like your shadow picture.

  7. Flowers...a new photography topic for you.

  8. Inspired by your walks, I started with daily walks and now I am back to running again regularly. Thank you for that. You have captured so many beautiful scenes. The little bunny is so sweet and Mt. Rainier is gorgeous. Blue flowers are my favourite too. I always enjoy your walks.


  9. The roses are beautiful John.

    All the best Jan

  10. John, It always makes my day to pop in for a visit and enjoy your photos and commentary


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