Friday, June 24, 2022

Blue Sky Summer Day

Recent Snaps

Mt Rainier today ... June 24, 2022
Looking from the waterfront trail across Elliott Bay
It's a little less than 60 miles from Seattle to Mt Rainier.

The waterfront path on a clear, blue-sky day.
June 24, 2022

Breakfast for the Great Blue Heron

I frequently see a Great Blue Heron in this area.

I stopped and watched for a few minutes.

Other birds and critters seem to leave them alone.

Breakfast captured!

If you enjoy critters, check out Saturday's Critters where bloggers share their posts. Thanks to Eileen for sharing and hosting.

Fuel on the way ...

The Global Pilot is a fuel barge.
For scale, note the humans on the front of the barge.

The Excellence has returned to port and is about to be
refueled. This ship is a part of the Alaska fishing fleet.
It returns here between fishing expeditions.

Excellence being refueled by Global Pilot
The high cost of fuel will be passed on to 
seafood consumers.

And here come the Police!

I believe the wave was for me, thank you!  😊

I snap a photo here when starting each walk
mostly to record the sky conditions.
Today is the first full blue sky day in a long while.

California Poppy

Don't miss the Space Needle
and the bench which is always tempting.

During today's walk ... very low tide. Lots of easy
finds for the gulls.

Looking east about half-way to my turn around spot.

Rare beach fun day for Seattle!
Downtown in the distance.

Hapag-Lloyd departing the Port with a small load of containers.
"West Seattle" in the distance.

Rainier was pretty yesterday too!  (June 23)

I like this pic because it nicely demonstrates SCALE.
Cruse ship vs. motor boat.

Had to climb a fence to snap this view of
Expedia Group campus.
Barry Diller, billionaire behind Expedia, wanted the 
new headquarters building to be shapped like a ship,
 being right across from the cruise ship terminal.
Read about Barry Diller on Wikipedia


  1. Hi JOHN,
    Nice to see your Coastal Photos- I must admit we live in suburbia- where there isn't any coastline- so I enjoy seeing your Seattle. Regards. KEV.

  2. Great shots of Mt. Rainier! Love the shots of the heron. Such an interesting collection of boats and ships too. Your walks always have much to offer, John.

  3. Hello John,
    Beautiful captures of the Great Blue Heron. I like the gull photo too. The shots and views of Mt Rainier are beautiful. Great views of the skies and the ships. You do have a lovely spot for your walks. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. It's always so nice to see your pictures, and to know what you're up to these days. Nice Rainier shots! :-)

  5. I love you mother nature and universe ❤️

  6. That building is very cool. I don't know if I could have climbed a fence to get the pic though! lol Nice to see you here today. I've missed you and our walks!

  7. What a pleasant surprise. I hadn't realized you were back on the internet. Your flower pics of June 21st were especially lovely. I always enjoy your walks, and I wish you a lovely week to come.

  8. Wow excellent photos. Nice to get a wave from the police. : )

  9. I never get tired of mount Ranier photos.

  10. That's an awesome mountain photo! Such a clear day. The water in the heron photos is also amazing.

    best... mae at

  11. Lovely images! Especially love the breakfast capture.

  12. There's not a bad picture here, of course, but the shots of the Great Blue Heron are impressive, especially given the textured quality of the water. I also like the shot of the Glaucous-winged Gull probing the seaweed-covered rocks - such a classic image.

  13. Hello John
    Fabulous photographs, especially like the ones of the Great Blue Heron.
    Happy Sunday Wishes, and have a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  14. My favorite is the duck by the water with little waves. That's not a duck, you'll probably say. 😊

    I answered your comment over on my post. It may be the start of a discussion...maybe.

  15. That view of Mt Rainer is magnificent! One of my nephews climbed that mountain once and lost a few toes to frostbite afterward. Heron are fun to watch and that orange poppy is beautiful!


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