Friday, September 16, 2022

Yellowstone Long Long Ago

 Very Old Views

Yellowstone, America's First National
Park was created by an Act of Congress in 1872.
The Entrance Arch was dedicated by
President Teddy Roosevelt in 1903.

In the early days, tourists stayed in hotels
and camps, like the "Wylie Camp" in
this photo. There were no RVs. 😊

Your tour of the Park will be on a Stagecoach.
Sorry, no SUVs! 😊

** Fountain Geyser **
These images are from my postcard collection.

"Veranda, Old Faithful Inn"
My postcard collection focuses on
Yellowstone National Park and the
Transcontinental Passenger Railroads
that helped open up the Park to Tourists.

50 of these cards were sold in a box
for $1 in early 1900s.
(See next image.)

50 Artistic Highly Colored
Yellowstone Park Postcards
Price $1.00

- Above Upper Falls -
These cards were published by
The Acmegraph Co. of Chicago

** Mortar Geyser **
The reverse side of these cards calls for
postage: Domestic - One Cent
Foreign - Two Cents

** A Young Elk **
These cards were printed before 
color film was available.

Famous Old Faithful Inn
If you're curious, you can research
"how postcards were colorized" with Google.

No "smartphones" ... No phones at all! 😊

** Antelope **
This scene is near the Northern Entrance.
The Arch is visible in the distance.

Old Faithful Inn from Bee Hive "Cone"
Note how close the tourist is to the "Cone" 😊

Tourists feeding the bears.
(To keep the Rangers happy, don't
try this today.) 

"A Park Bear"
Today, tourists want to see the bears!
Love critters? Check out Saturday's Critters.

** Elk in Snow, Hayden Valley **
Can you imagine???

** Coaching Party ** My kind of "party"!
Note: 6 Horsepower Stage.
(Funny how we still talk about 
horsepower to move around today!)

Famous Old Faithful Geyser.
Still on schedule today!

Recent Snaps

I've been prevented from getting out for recent walks due to smoke in the air here in Seattle. Wildfires in surrounding forests are making the air unhealthy. I hope to be back with walk snaps in a future post. Take care and a good weekend to all!  John

Friday, September 2, 2022

Lucky Star

 Recent Snaps

A very low tide revealed a Star Fish.
After walking the waterfront for 2 years, this is my first
time to see a Star Fish in Elliott Bay.
("star-shaped echinoderm" for you scientists!)

I enjoy seeing the Kingfisher.
A member of the Alcedinidae family.

Click on images for LARGER view.

I like these "multi-story" tug boats.
How about a ride in the top "lookout".

I like the big sailboat but the container ship is what caught
my eye. Brand new ship with new containers. Next photo is
a little closer look. Notice who has decided to take their
own action to speed up the supply chain!

Walmart has entered the global shipping business.

Gull on driftwood.

Need help on ID ...
I believe it's a Cooper's Hawk, perched
on a sign post, near Pier 90. August 20th 6:58AM.
Hawks are common in this area but I don't see them often.
The photo is quite a bit zoomed-in.
It delighted me to get a pic of this bird!

Check out Saturday's Critters for more lots more critters!

I just never know what I'll see on my walks. Surprised to
see this so early in the morning, but guessing they wanted
to get the photo shoot done before the crowds arrived.

Not sure ... maybe this would be a good desktop background?
Can you tell it rained the night before?
Tall grass.

A good view of Mt Rainier.
When shadows are right, I can almost see a face in the
top of the mountain, looking up to the sky. Do you see it?

I've just recently started to see ONE Container Ships.
This ship is departing the Port on August 15th
Ocean Network Express (ONE) online

Got a kick out of seeing this guy fishing from his
Kayak. I hope he is a good swimmer. Yes, this was my
first time to see someone fishing from a Kayak in Elliott Bay.

Snapped this from home on August 14th, late afternoon.
Two things about this photo:
1. Cleaning out a Bulk Carrier creates A LOT of DUST.
2. Mid-August -- almost all snow gone from Olympic
Mountains in the distance. A very warm summer!

More people having fun!
August 27th about 9 AM
I'll bet the water is COLD, even with a WARM summer! 😊

I liked the name of this ship. You'll have to zoom in to 
see it ... MAMA SARA

The way the sunlight was catching this Morning Glory
caught my eye.

I've just finished my walk, it's just past sunrise, and 
I couldn't pass up this sky shot.
August 31st

Today's sunset ... September 2, 2022  7:37PM
Looking a little north of due west, the Olympic Mountains
in the distance. Lots of haze, a bit of wildfire smoke, and clouds.

Visit to MOHAI

Seattle's Museum of History and Industry

Since my last post I passed a day that definitely puts me in the company of those with quite a bit of personal history. Appropriately, a very good friend suggested we celebrate with a visit to MOHAI ... Seattle's Museum of History and Industry. The place is fascinating, especially for one who loves ships and trains. If you love history, this is a museum you should see!

Closing thought …

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
       Margaret Mead

It's About Time

Reminder: Daylight "Saving" Time begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM (March 9, 2025) in USA  100 years ago there were no smartphon...