Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Joy

From my collection of vintage postcards, Thanksgiving Joy for you.

Thanksgiving Joy
Early 1900s postcard.

Back of the card.
Postmarked Nov 23 ... 1901?
Stamp - One Cent - Upside Down
Hello Mabel ... 😊

A Few Recent Snaps

At the start of my daily walk.
Sunday, November 20th
Mostly clear and cold.

Official bird of Seattle?
Nah ...
On March 17, 2003, the City Council
designated the Great Blue Heron
as the Official City Bird.

Jia Chen at the Grain Terminal
Loading underway.

Very unusual positioning of the Emergency
Escape Raft on the Jia Chen

A Gaggle of Canadian visitors.

First time to see one of these human creations in a while.
Didn't notice the ducks when snapping the photo.



Youngster with good balance!

Unusual sunset November 22nd

Narrow opening in the overcast,
to the west, just at sunset.
November 22nd

Thankful for Peanuts ... A Story

PS According to Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States, and Thanksgiving 2022 occurs on Thursday, November 24. In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Revival of Woolly Mammoth?

The woolly mammoth coexisted with early humans, who used its bones and tusks for making art, tools, and dwellings, and hunted the species for food.

With a genome project for the mammoth completed in 2015, it has been proposed the species could be revived through various means, but none of the methods proposed are yet feasible.

Read the full story.

The Woolly Mammoth
Thomas Quine, CC BY 2.0
via Wikimedia Commons

Wondering why? Good question. Well, looking at one of my Field Notes notebooks, and looking in the back at the "Practical Applications" I see Woolly Mammoth Wisdom. Next stop: Wikipedia.

Field Notes ... My favorite brand of notebooks.

In the back of the notebook:  Practical Applications
#04. Wisdoms from the Woolly Mammoth
Wow, another wonderful distraction from politics!

Recent Snaps

Walks with John

My favorite time to walk is right around dawn.

Every walk gets at least ONE photo.
It's the ONE I snap from this spot
to record the sky conditions.

Every day is different.

People riding bikes into town stop on
mornings like this to snap a photo.

First frost this past week.

Never get tired of Mt Rainier.

If you are not clicking on the image to get the large view, you are missing a lot.

The industrial cranes are not a distraction but a
reminder ... this is a port city.

Note the little white arrow ...
Hard to see, but literally hundreds of birds.

Rail car waiting to be unloaded at Grain Terminal 86.
I prefer nature's art but human art frequently
draws my attention.

Not a "good photo" ... but I like it.
Early morning sun on a Bald Eagle about 100 yards 
from the walk path in an industrial area.
These birds are simply magnificent.

Happened upon this spider in late afternoon
as the sun glistened on its web.
The web design and construction is meticulous.
Don't tell me there isn't intelligence
behind nature.

Always a pleasure to link up with Saturday's Critters.

Canada goose family ... early morning swim.

EXCELLENCE in morning sun at Pier 90.
The ship is a part of American Seafoods fleet
of Alaska fishing vessels.

Foss tugs await assignment.

MSC Container ship arrives in port.
Bainbridge Island in the background.

A Washington State Ferry
West Seattle in the background.


Looking west to the Olympics
across Puget Sound,
about 20 minutes after sunset.
November 14th

Early morning, the day after full moon.
Full November moon traditionally known
as the Beaver Full Moon.
November 10th

Departing early morning -- UPS Air Freight --
turning to the west -- Asia?
I include this photo as a reminder of my curiosity
seeing this daily flight as a part of the
global delivery system.

Remember this photo the next time you hear
a human complain about clouds.

So happy to see a fresh coat of snow on the Olympics!
November 14th

View from Kerry Park  -- Seattle & Mt Rainier
**12th day of blue sky and no rain**
November 18 2022

I was hoping to see the Green Flash, as I described
in my October 12, 2020, post.
It didn't happen, but nice sunset anyway.

John's Favorite Tree in Fall

Japanese Maple Tree

Hard to believe these leaves were GREEN a few weeks ago.

Closing thought ...

Had to include this at the last moment ...

Purchased at the grocery yesterday ...
Sugar Gems - Tree-Ripe Mandarins
OMG ... like eating candy!


If you've read this far ... you are amazing. Thank you for stopping by and a Happy Thanksgiving to you!  👴👍

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Old Hand Colored Yellowstone Photos

Water Color Photographs - Hand Painted

Yellowstone Park - +/- 1910

Number 9 of a Portfolio of Water Color Photographs
(Hand Painted) Photographed and Published by
F. Jay Haynes
The photos are about 5" x 7"
See the BACK below ...
[Click on images for larger view.]

*9 Great Falls of the Yellowstone
One of several I'm sharing from my collection.
Very old and rare - each one is frameable.
The Haynes shop marked the name with a line.
The full portfolio consisted of 12 photos.

Recent Snaps

Now that the smoke is gone, I'm doing my daily walk, of about 2 miles, along the Seattle waterfront almost every morning. Here are a few snaps ... most are taken along the walks, a couple are from home.
Seconds before sunset.
[October 28th]

Ocean Rover has returned from Alaska fishing
and is now docked at Pier 90.
Winter months are maintenance time.
The ship is a part of the American Seafoods fleet.

Starting my walk at the crack of dawn.
At Seattle's latitude, we are starting to
experience the longer nights.
[October 30th]

Grain terminal 86 stays busy loading ships,
usually headed to Asia.

Foss Tugs await action at their Pier 90 base.

Clouds paint the picture at sunset.
[November 2nd]

Today's Walk ... November 5th

Snapped at start of walk ... cloudy skies and chilly. No rain
this morning.

MG Explorer being loaded with grain.
The ship is registered in Panama.

For some reason, the sky impressed me enough to 
snap a photo.

Breakfast time for this gull.

Who knew?
First time to notice this tree along the walk
with this red fruit.
According to Google Lens this is a Strawberry Tree.
Yes, the fruit is edible and sweet.
Scientific name is Arbutus Unedo.
**Update November 6th**
In the comments for this post,
please note the one from Breathtaking.
She published an excellent description of
The Strawberry Tree in her post
5 October 2022

Another tree with big red berries.
This one is called Crataegus crus-galli and it is 
a species of cockspur hawthorn.
Again, the fruit is edible and can be made into jelly
or crushed to make tea.

Closing thought ...

Oh, one more thing ... 
if you are on the good ship Earth, in USA and many other places, tonight the ship's clocks will move backward one hour. If you are on a cruise ship in one of these areas your steward will probably leave a little note like this on your pillow tonight ...

It's About Time

Reminder: Daylight "Saving" Time begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM (March 9, 2025) in USA  100 years ago there were no smartphon...