Saturday, November 5, 2022

Old Hand Colored Yellowstone Photos

Water Color Photographs - Hand Painted

Yellowstone Park - +/- 1910

Number 9 of a Portfolio of Water Color Photographs
(Hand Painted) Photographed and Published by
F. Jay Haynes
The photos are about 5" x 7"
See the BACK below ...
[Click on images for larger view.]

*9 Great Falls of the Yellowstone
One of several I'm sharing from my collection.
Very old and rare - each one is frameable.
The Haynes shop marked the name with a line.
The full portfolio consisted of 12 photos.

Recent Snaps

Now that the smoke is gone, I'm doing my daily walk, of about 2 miles, along the Seattle waterfront almost every morning. Here are a few snaps ... most are taken along the walks, a couple are from home.
Seconds before sunset.
[October 28th]

Ocean Rover has returned from Alaska fishing
and is now docked at Pier 90.
Winter months are maintenance time.
The ship is a part of the American Seafoods fleet.

Starting my walk at the crack of dawn.
At Seattle's latitude, we are starting to
experience the longer nights.
[October 30th]

Grain terminal 86 stays busy loading ships,
usually headed to Asia.

Foss Tugs await action at their Pier 90 base.

Clouds paint the picture at sunset.
[November 2nd]

Today's Walk ... November 5th

Snapped at start of walk ... cloudy skies and chilly. No rain
this morning.

MG Explorer being loaded with grain.
The ship is registered in Panama.

For some reason, the sky impressed me enough to 
snap a photo.

Breakfast time for this gull.

Who knew?
First time to notice this tree along the walk
with this red fruit.
According to Google Lens this is a Strawberry Tree.
Yes, the fruit is edible and sweet.
Scientific name is Arbutus Unedo.
**Update November 6th**
In the comments for this post,
please note the one from Breathtaking.
She published an excellent description of
The Strawberry Tree in her post
5 October 2022

Another tree with big red berries.
This one is called Crataegus crus-galli and it is 
a species of cockspur hawthorn.
Again, the fruit is edible and can be made into jelly
or crushed to make tea.

Closing thought ...

Oh, one more thing ... 
if you are on the good ship Earth, in USA and many other places, tonight the ship's clocks will move backward one hour. If you are on a cruise ship in one of these areas your steward will probably leave a little note like this on your pillow tonight ...


  1. Nice photos! I especially like to see the port activities.

    best… mae at

  2. Hello John :=)
    Your evening and early morning photos of the harbour with all the lights on are so appealing and your sunsets are spectacular. I was surprised to see the Strawberry tree Arbutus Unedo. I have many of these plants on my property, and even made a post about them, just before my Estuary posts Which I think you missed. In Portuguese it is called the Medronho, from which brandy is made. The hand painted waterfall water colours are very beautiful.
    My best wishes from Portugal.

  3. You asked about my trip on Lindblad/NatGeo when I went to Oregon. I did quite a few posts that you can see here:

    best… mae

  4. Lots of ship traffic in and out of your port. Hard to believe that they had post cards done by hand.

  5. Always a pleasure to se and look at the photos your weekly roundup of photos, I love the historical content and the way you show things around where you live

  6. I would cast my vote for remaining on standard time the whole year. This changing of the time spring and fall seems a little anachronistic in 2022.

  7. Hello John,
    Your sunset shots are amazing, the first photo and the sunset on Nov 2nd are gorgeous. You have great views of the ships on your walks, I always liked seeing the tug boats. The berries look beautiful, pretty colors. The gull has a nice sized fish to eat. It takes me awhile to adjust to this time change, I wish it would stop. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  8. The hues of blue in this post are amazing! The gull is a great shot. I have never seen these berries. Thank you for the education!

    Your collection must be notable! That one is a beauty!

  9. Amazing waterfall and I love your header.
    It was nice walking this morning (Sun) when it wasn't dark. :)

  10. ...John, you sure have some beautiful things that surround you. Keep enjoying them.

  11. Hello John
    I always enjoy my visits to your blog.
    So pleased to read and see that you have been able to get out and about enjoying some walks.
    The sunset.photograph from November 2nd is beautiful.

    We had a beautiful moon this evening, we were fortunate to see it (I should have taken some photographs) because it has been a very wet day.

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a good new week.

    All the best Jan (and Eddie)

  12. Me encantaron las fotos en especial la del atardecer. Te mando un beso.

  13. I always enjoy seeing what you capture on your walks, John. And I do hope the time change won't bother you too much. It takes me about a week to get used to it. :-)

  14. Fabulous photos, John 👍👍
    I especially love your stunning sunset shots.

    Happy Monday!

  15. I consider you blog an oasis of calm amidst the anxiety of modern life. My favorite photo: The cockspur hawthorn. I love the muted colors, the intertwined branches and the unique color of the berries.

  16. I haven't been to your blog since forever, John. Then I saw your comment on David's blog and thought that I really need to visit you again. And the first I see is the beautiful Yellowstone Fall - I came to the right place!
    Your photos of your walks are very beautiful and atmospheric. You mentioned the smoke - that is terrible. This year was the first in quite some time that we didn't have much smoke. I hope that this was the last smoke of the year that you had to experience. Wouldn't it be nice not to have these awful wildfires?

  17. I love that Crater of the Oblong hand painted photograph, but all the photographs are impressive. You re so fortunate to have them all. I know I've missed some of your posts when I haven't felt well, but I still love to visit and will eventually catch up. It's nice to go on your walks through your photos. The sunsets remind me of when I grew up in Nevada. I love the closing thought. It has always worked well for me.

  18. The watercolor photograph of the Yellowstone park is beautiful. What an amazing find. I love that we can identify plants now a days so easily. Makes me want to look for new plants around me all the time. The colours in your photos are really gorgeous. I love the vibrant sunrise and sunset skies, but also the deep blue of the night sky. A visit to John's Island is always inspiring.


  19. Good morning, John :=)

    Thank you for your comment. I'm so pleased you enjoyed my Strawberry Tree post and added my link to your post. Thank you so much.
    Have a wonderful weekend, and be sure to check out my next post.
    My best wishes.


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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