Thursday, October 27, 2022

Very Old Yellowstone Souvenir

Rare 1915 Postcard Album

If you were lucky enough to visit Yellowstone National Park in 1915 you might have wanted to take home some photo souvenirs to help you remember your visit. Of course, you didn't have a smartphone to snap the highlights, so, the place to go would be the Haynes Picture Shop ... 

 The interior of the Shop ...

The interior of another of Haynes Shops ...

Can you imagine buying one of those framed photos
and having it shipped home, for, say, $5.00?

You might find an album of postcards like this ... 

The album, with a reptile skin cover, holds 52 postcards, featuring the main attractions in the Park.

Example of how the cards are placed into the album ...

On the left, you see the Mammoth Hot Springs area and the Hotel where you might have stayed. On the right, your Coaching Party may have looked similar. [Be sure to click on the images to get the larger view.]

Another example ...

On the left, two Park Bears. On the right, an Elk. The images on the cards were probably taken by F. J. Haynes, often referred to as the Official Park Photographer. He opened up several Haynes Picture Shops, in the Park, to sell his postcards and other souvenirs.

This particular album has ended up in my collection. I scanned the entire album and placed it into a PDF which you can view by simply clicking on the link below.

Click Here to View Entire Postcard Album

[Notes about the PDF: When you click the link a page will open with the file in Dropbox is a file sharing site using the internet's cloud. You do not need to sign-in nor do you need the "App". It is not necessary to "Accept all Cookies". You can easily adjust the ZOOM to fit your screen or enlarge to make it easier to read.  While you will be able to scroll easily through the pages, you will not be able to "rotate" the pages. To do that, you must first "Download" to your device, and then open up the downloaded file with Adobe Reader. To rotate pages, in Adobe Reader, click on "View",  and there will be a button to rotate.]

Inside the back cover.

Haynes' ads appeared in magazines and newspapers.

Recent Snaps

Looking over the Marina, across Puget Sound, to
the Olympic Mountains in the distance.
Mostly clear day except for the smoke.

My photo opportunities have been limited during the last several weeks as wildfire smoke has made Seattle's air unhealthy at times, and, in an abundance of caution, I've stayed indoors a lot. As a result, my "Recent Snaps" will start with a few sunset pics I thought worth sharing. The good news is our first storm of the Fall arrived on the 22nd and brought in fresh air from the Pacific Ocean. New walk pics follow the sunset pics.

As the sun sets behind the clouds, the smoke
adds a tint to the scene. If you look very carefully, near the
center of the image, you can see the communication towers
on the foothills across the Sound. Just happened to catch
one of them as the lights on the tower flashed.

As the sun sinks below the mountains, I can't help thinking
the beautiful, yet ominous, scene conveys a
message from Nature.

Seattle Times - October 19 2022

I stopped by Kerry Park on October 19th
to document the smoky skies.
Didn't see the bird in top left corner until later.
Zooming in as much as possible ... it looks like an Eagle.
Had to wonder how the birds are doing with the smoke.

Finally, the smoke is gone! → October 22nd

Finally, clear air allowed getting back to snapping photos.
A well-loaded CMA CGM Container ship departs on October 23.

Getting back to my daily walks along the waterfront.
October 23rd

The Ocean Rover has returned from Alaska fishing.
Speaking of fishing, spotted the Great Blue Heron
at the water's edge.
 Do you see it?

I believe this is the same Heron I see often in this spot.

I like to link up with Saturday's Critters where many interesting blogs can be found.

Double-crested Cormorant

After a month of not walking, due to smoke,
there has actually been a lot of change to
the vegetation along the path.
Cloudy, rainy morning, October 23rd

GH Glory is tied up at Pier 86 as another
bulk carrier awaits at anchor.

Got lucky and happened to see the National Geographic
Venture moving from downtown to Pier 90.
I'm very tempted to book an adventure with NG!

These trees have changed color dramatically since my
previous walk, a month or so, ago.

Global Pilot, fuel barge, moving to Pier 90 to
refuel the National Geographic Venture.

The Venture at Pier 90.

This really caught my curiosity.
Do you see what I'm looking at?

Zoomed in a bit.


This guy is having great fun!
It seems a little bit dicey to me. 😀
Hope he is a good swimmer!

Closing thought ...


  1. It's interesting that you mention your enforced inactivity caused by the poor air quality. I recently met my first genuine climate migrants, people who have moved from British Columbia to Ontario because they grew tired of the annual wildfires and the poor, sometimes dangerous air quality. I expect we may see more of this.

  2. What a wonderful album! I am going to go back and see it when I have a bit more time to peruse it. You got some really great pictures. I am so sorry that the smoke has been so bad in your area. We are lucky to not have the hazy skies here.

    I would NOT want to be that last guy! I like the water but not that much! lol

    I hope you have a wonderful, blessed Thursday. Diana

  3. Hello John :=)
    The smoke lingered in your area longer than I thought, but I'm glad to know that since the 22 of this month, Seattle is now smoke free. Those sky shots are really quite scary. You photographed so many interesting views on your walks. How I would love to sail on the National Geographic "Venture". I also think it would be a wonderful adventure. I love the colour of the leaves, the shots of the Cormorant and Heron, and the man out at sea made me laugh out loud. I like the way you zoomed in, so that your images kept getting larger. He looks a happy man! I will return to see the album, another day when I have more time to view it properly.
    All the best from Portugal.

  4. What great old pictures!!
    Beautiful skies!!

  5. Thanks for showing me the guy in the water. I kept trying to figure it out but there it was, finally! What a strange guy he must be! And I am so glad our air is breathable once again. :-)

  6. Good number of separate photo posts. You had some very bad air quality for a long time.

  7. Hello John,
    Yellowstone is one of my favorite National Parks, I always enjoy seeing photos of the park and it's wildlife. The photo album is wonderful. I am glad your air has cleared and you can go out walking again. The views of the ship and the sunsets are beautiful. Great captures of the Cormorant and Heron. An adventure of the National Geographic venture sounds awesome. Take care, enjoy your day and weekend!

  8. Hello John,
    Just stopping back to say thank you for linking up your post. I always enjoy seeing the Yellowstone Critters. Your bird photos are awesome, the Cormorant and Heron posed nicely for you. Beautiful photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  9. Your views of the city in smoke and in clear times are very enjoyable. I hope you have fire-free times this winter.

    We’ve traveled on the NatGeo Quest, the sister of the Venture, sailing up the Columbia River from Portland to a small town in Idaho. And we are signed up for a trip on the Venture next spring (if all goes as planned). I love the NatGeo trips, though the Columbia River was the least interesting of all our voyages.

    best… mae at

  10. I know you are so happy to see the smoke gone and clear skies! People get in the water here on all kinds of boards and boats too. Looks neat for a photo though. Love the info you shared, the Great blue Heron and the boats! I just love your posts!

  11. Beautiful snaps! Great that you could capture the eagle in the smoke.

  12. Hello John :=).
    Mr. Haynes was an enterprising man, but he also took great photos. I thoroughly enjoyed looking through the album, which is a lovely souvenir of your visit to Yellow Stone Park.
    All the best.

  13. Hello John
    So pleased to read that the smoke has gone, and the skies are clear.
    Thank you for sharing some lovely photographs

    That man in the water does look as if he is enjoying himself, but rather him than me!

    Our November here in the UK has started wet and very windy, we had a stay in catch-up with housework day today ... pleased to say we got quite a bit done.

    Wishing you a happy November

    All the best Jan (and Eddie)

  14. your Yellowstone album is amazing and beautiful dear Johan ,i really enjoyed seeing the carved images ,thanks for the link

    sorry for the fire and how it kept you indoor .this was great ti know how kindly your city was rewarded with storm who cleared the airy once again ,nature know how to keep balance most of the times .i am so glad that you are back to your walks and we can see more glimpse of your stunning city :)

  15. Wow, I love the old postcard album. Thanks for including the link for better viewing. It's really impressive!

  16. I can't even begin to imagine a time when I would not have a camera. I loved reading about Haynes Picture Shop and the photos you shared. I am so glad to hear that the smoke is gone and you are able to go outside again. Gorgeous photos and I love the colours you captured. Otherworldly.



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