Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Lake Michigan to Puget Sound

Smoky Skies Project

The last month of smoky skies in Seattle, from nearby forest wildfires, has kept me inside working on my collection. I collect things related to the history of the Pacific Northwest, USA. I'm especially interested in the early transcontinental railroads that opened up the country and introduced tourists to our first National Park, Yellowstone.

I'll be including items from my collection today, and in future blog posts. Starting with one of my favorites, a booklet published in the early 1900s by one of the railroad companies. It's Lake Michigan to Puget Sound. The booklet was designed to attract tourists to visit the developing part of the country via exclusive passenger trains. I've scanned it entirely and placed it on the web so you can enjoy it from the comfort of your home. (Back in the days, publishers said things like that about their publications.😊)  Click on the link below the cover image to see the entire booklet.

Click here to view entire booklet

Recent Snaps

Our smoky skies have paused my daily walks.
On the positive side, we've had some beautiful sunsets.
[October 14  4:43PM]

Looking west over Smith Cove Marina
 to the Olympic Mountains just after sunset
on a cloudless day.
[Click on images for larger view.]

I liked the contrails.

Including this just for the fun of it.
Somehow my camera was set to do a "creative" image.
I actually do like it.  😊

Before walks were paused, I snapped this giant crane
at Pier 90. The largest maritime crane I've seen so far!

The Coastal Standard looked good in the morning sun.

The Argosy Salish Explorer provides tours around
Elliott Bay. Notice almost all of the passengers are
sitting on the top deck, despite the smoky air.

Just before sunset the Salish Explorer sails into the sunset.

At times the skies seemed foreboding, reminding me of
Putin's threat to use nuclear weapons.

The sailboat, in lower left, adds a nice bit of scale.

Wonderful break to visit the Oregon Coast for a few days.

This is the view looking south, from US 101, near
Manzanita, Oregon.

Snapped on one of my beach walks at Manzanita.
Just a gorgeous day and very little smoke in the air.

Looking north up the coast line from Manzanita.
Saw lots of birds!

Ocean sunset.
Notice the tiny humans on the beach.
[September 30  4:52PM]

On the drive home I had to snap this picture of the bridge
at Astoria, Oregon. This is the spot where the Columbia
River flows into the Pacific Ocean. Nearby is the spot
where Lewis and Clark camped during their expedition
in the early 1800s. The bridge is high enough above
the water
to allow large ships to pass underneath. 

It's a little unusual to see the shadows of the
mountains just after sunset.
[October 4  4:34PM]

Unusual and beautiful color in the sky this evening.
[October 6  4:50PM]

The days are getting short again and this end-of-the-season
cruise ship arrived in darkness.
[October 9th]

Linking up with lots of neat blogs via Saturday's Critters.

Closing Thought ...

Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us.
       Stephen Covey


  1. Good morning, John. My late brother was fascinated with trains and the history of them. He had visited several train museums over the years. We have a pretty nice train museum here in Green Bay, WI.

    Your pictures are wonderful. I do love the color of the skies but sad that it comes at a cost to the environment.

    My granddaughter would always look at the sky where there was a jet trail and say..."That plane scratched the sky". Such cuteness!

    Have a wonderful week, John. Diana

  2. I see you went to Astoria. Did you do the Astoria Column?

    1. I did not. However, I'm going back in a few weeks and will put the Column on the "to do" list. The view from the Column must be amazing!

  3. Beautiful collection of photos John, really like the sunsets

  4. love the photos, John, especially the rainbow one!

  5. This is just wonderful, as all of your posts are. I downloaded the entire book and looked at the pictures and will return to read the text. And your pictures, as always, were a delight to study and peruse. Thank you for once again brightening my day. Or week, for that matter. :-)

  6. Beautiful sky photos.
    Like the creative one - lovely.

  7. Brilliant statement by Covey!

    I hope you are able to resume those walks again, John. You must miss them. The sunsets are spectacular though. That cruise ship at night is an interesting sight.

  8. You really emphasized sky colors in these photos even if the photo was of something else. New for you are beach scenes.

  9. I love trains and I am looking forward to seeing your memorabilia. I am glad you had a wonderful time at the Oregon Coast. Wildfires are not good for breathing and they are quite ominous, but they make for fabulous sky photos. Your photos look incredible John! The mountain silhouette with the sailboat is a favourite.


  10. Hi JOHN- great photos here- your really a splndid photographer. Stay well and safe there in Seattle. Cheers. KEV.

  11. Hello John,

    The booklet has a lovely cover photo. Your sky captures are all beautiful, I enjoy seeing all the boats too. Oregon's coastline is gorgeous. I hope the fires are out now and you can continue your walks. Take care, enjoy your day!

  12. Hello John :=)
    All your sunsets are glorious, and I see you have even taken a photograph of the Aurora borealis. :=)) I will return to see your booklet when my eyes are less blurry
    All the best..

  13. Hello John :=)
    Due to my poor vision, I could not read the contents of the booklet, but the brochure is beautifully illustrated, and the views speak for themselves. What an absolute treasure you have obtained of the history of train travel in the 1900s, finishing at Mount Rainier. My uncle was a train enthusiast and I remember that he had one room in which he set up and played with his electric train set, and it covered the whole floor space. It now belongs to my cousin
    Beautiful views of the Oregon coast, with nice stretches of beach for you to take your walks. The smoke in the Seattle atmosphere will have dissipated by now for you to continue your early morning walks on your own turf.

    You might be interested in my next week's post where I share a few sailing vessels. Small fry in comparison to the ships you share, and they are more for pleasure than anything else.
    All the best.
    they look

  14. You also collect beautiful photographs! Thanks for sharing those as well as the items from your historical collection. Poor air quality from forest fire smoke has been a problem here in Eugene also.

  15. Hello John
    A lovely post, I always enjoy seeing your photographs.
    Eddie and I have been enjoying some beautiful Autumnal walks, the colours of the trees are amazing.
    I do hope the smoke clears for you soon and you can once again start your daily walks.

    Take care of yourself, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  16. Hello John,
    I really enjoyed your scenic photos and post. The train booklet is a great item for your collection. I hope you will have some rain to clear out the smoky skies, but the skies do look beautiful. My hubby and I loved the Oregon coastline, we hope to visit there again some day. The birds love to hang out, nest and roost on those cliffs and rocks. Beautiful collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, I appreciate the link and comment.

  17. A beautiful sunset is never wrong.

  18. ...smoking skies can make for fabulous sunsets! Have a wonderful week, John.

  19. The definition of our ultimate freedom is a good quote. And I love the beautiful sunset photos. Thanks so much for the booklet. We love trains here and watch train cams all the time! Enjoy the week to come my friend, Diane

  20. Gracias por el folleto. Y que bellas imagenes cada una me quita el aliento.

  21. i don't know whether you publish your exceptional photographs to some magazine or not dear John but how nice if you publish a book full of your captures only :) i think that will be terrific as your timing is outstanding and specially sunsets are extraordinary !
    i am stunned and speechless with sunsets you share always and this time .Thank you soo much! this is always a spiritual experience for me! God bless you!

  22. John, I can absolutely get lost in your photos they are amazing and they just draw me in. I like your creative photo as well but truly you have such an eye for the camera that every photo could be framable. I was raised in a town that is at the very southern tip of Lake Michigan, Michigan City Indiana. It would be interesting to take the Amtrak back there just to see it from a different perspective I've only traveled it on i-90.

  23. Love the beautiful series of photos.
    The sunsets are breathtaking!


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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