Friday, January 10, 2025

Here we go again

January 2025


Bob King's Magnificent Aurora is one of the most 
beautiful and informative books I've seen in a long time.
I purchased my copy direct from the publisher: Sky and Telscope
As far as I know, the book is not available in a digital version.
Link for more info or to order.

A new Coloring Book

On my recent West Coast Adventure, described in my 3 blog posts last October, my BIL (Brother-In-Law) was along and introduced me to a delightful adult drawing book printed in Japan. The book consists of postcards and gives an example of a completed drawing on one card, with another of the same image that needs to be colored in. Link for more info about Daiso Products.


Example of inside page.
The left side is a completed image
on a postcard size of paper.
The right side is for you to 
color in! And send!

All you need  ... Color pencils and time.
This is fun!

History - Postcard Folder

As most of you will know, I collect old railroad memorabilia. Some of my favorite things are the postcards published by the railroads in the early 1900s to entice travelers to take the train on their next adventure. What you see below is an unused folder featuring scenes on the Great Northern Railway which provided service from Chicago to Seattle and is referred to as one of the first transcontinental lines.

Scenes on Great Northern Railway
From the Oriental Limited
Chicago - Seattle early 1900s

Combine Harvester in the Grain Fields
Big Bend Country, Washington

Harvesting Grain in the Red River Valley

Passenger Train in the Cascade Mountains
of Washington

Oriental Limited Emerging from
Cascade Tunnel on Great Northern Railway

Oriental Limited through the Cascades, Wash.

Trout Fishing on the Skykomish River,
Washington. On line of the G. N. Railway

Washington Log and Loggers.

Totem Pole, Pioneer Square,
Seattle, Washington

Mount Tacoma and Part of City of Tacoma, Wash.
(Printed BEFORE renamed Mt Rainier!)

27 Wenatchee, Washington Apples

Power Station, Tumwater Canyon, Wash.

Wenatchee, Wash. fruit orchard in bloom.

Kootenai Falls, Montana

Falls, Spokane River, Spokane, Wash.

Wheat raised by Irrigation in Montana

Hotel at Belton, Montana
Entrance to Glacier National Park

Steam Breaking in Montana

Back Cover of the Folder
The Great Northern Oriental Limited
on Sea Wall between Everett and Seattle, Wash.

Swindoll Quote

I happened to find this on another blog where the person used it as their profile statement. Although it doesn't say anything about the blogger, it sure is a powerful statement and one I thought worth sharing.

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our Attitudes." Charles R. Swindoll


As usual, I have a few pics of ships to share. I love watching the ships come and go in the Port of Seattle.

The early morning fog had just lifted and the sun
was lighting up this container ship nicely.

A Foss Tug on a windy/rough afternoon.
Wonder what the Captain thinks on a day like this.


Waxing crescent moon with Venus bright below
and to the right.

Clearing sky overhead but clouds to the west
created an unusally colorful sunset.


Thanks to my SIL (Sister-in-Law 😊) I just discovered SWANRISE which is an event north of Seattle. A company called Skagit Land Trust puts together tours to see Trumpter Swans who spend the winter in our area. The tours go out in the morning to watch the birds wake up and take off for the day. In the evening tours watch the birds return to Barney Lake where they spend the night. All of this year's tours are sold out, but I plan to get on the list early next fall. 

Link for more information.

Love birds? Check out 
Saturday's Critters!

Range Map for Trumpter Swans
provided by Birds of the World
at Cornell Lab

My first picture of one of my hummers
visiting the feeder. I never get tired of
these little birds.


This is what progress sounds like ... click the video below. The activity is going on at Pier 90 right along the Waterfront Trail I've posted about. What they are doing is driving piles into the ground to provide for new construction at the Pier. City leaders tell us this may take the better part of a year. We will see. The video is probably longer than you'll want to listen. The first two images show you the scene. The large crane is one of the largest marine cranes I've ever seen.

Pile Driving at Pier 90

The whole process for the crane to pick up a pile and
drive it deep into the soil takes almost 2 hours.

Thanks for stopping by and have a good rest of January!


  1. Hello John,
    The Magnificent Aurora book does look beautiful. I like your collection of postcards, the scenes from the train are lovely. The sky images and the views of the ships are beautiful sights. I would love the Swanrise tour, sounds like my kind of event. The swans are beautiful and I love your hummingbird photo. Great post and I love the Swindoll quote. I try to always keep a positive attitude and I do feel people can change and should be given a chance. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. ...The Aurora is a beautiful sight that I've never seen. It was visible here a few months ago, but I slept through it. The subject matter of the coloring book is right up my alley, but I'm not good at staying inside the lines. John you have a fabulous postcard collection, the grain harvest with twenty some odd horses caught my eye. as did log and loggers and the Reeves tractor. I try to remember that attitude determines altitude in life. Thanks for sharing the ships, this something that don't get to see here. Enjoy as many beautiful sunsets as you can. Take care and be warm and well.

  3. Reading your first post of 2025 made me smile lots! Your Aurora book is a great one to have with there being so much interest lately. I have been googling lots to learn more. What a wonderful introduction to placing colour on paper. You come across the most interesting books of all types. I felt like I just went on the most enjoyable train journey while scrolling through your postcard collection. "Attitude" I like yours!

  4. The colouring book is unique and would be fun! Swindoll has it right. It is all about attitude. I understand your love of the hummers. Such strong little birds. I have never been able to attract them to our house. It must be hard to be in the neighbourhood of that noise at the pier. Progress indeed.

    Have a great week.

  5. What a diverse and interesting post, as always!

  6. Wow! This is a wonderful post, John. And thank you for the Swindoll quote especially. I looked at your pictures twice already!

  7. All of the ships and photos of the skies are wonderful to gaze at. Love those little Trumpeters too. Now I need to follow that link for the book. I have colored pencils! heehee! Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Your BIL certainly introduced you to a fantastic book, I'll bet you spend many hours going through this book.

  9. Wow! You sure pack a lot of great info into one post, John! I love those old postcards and that coloring book. Just as I was reading the part about birds, I heard a flock of geese flying over my house and looked up to watch them fly by. Good timing! ;)

  10. Hello John :)
    Beautiful images of the Aurora, which unfortunately I have never seen. I have seen videos of the swiftly changing colours and images but to see it in reality must be a magical experience. I Love the idea of the adult colouring book which I'm sure will give you hours of pleasure, John and you have made a good start. Your postcard collection is fabulous and the views from the train are all wonderful. I found it interesting that Mount Rainier was once called Mount Tacoma, meaning large snow capped mountain, I looked it up and found that the mountain had been named Tacoma for centuries. so why change it to Mt Rainier!

    I try to always have a positive attitude, because when you bring optimism into your life and look on the bright side of life it does wonders for ones happiness and in turn the happiness of others
    Lovely sky and ship images, and the Trumpeter Swan tour sounds. like the kind of thing I would be interested in if I lived near. Good for you for trying to get on the list for next year. I enjoyed your varied post which was enlightening and entertaining.
    With my good wishes

  11. Your postcards are amazing. I love railroads and used to work for an oil and gas sub of Union Pacific. It turns out that my grandfather on my mother's side worked for UP in Idaho for a while and my great great grandfather on my dad's side worked for UP near Omaha, Nebraska.

  12. Beautiful and interesting post cards. Like the one where all the loggers are sitting on the fallen log.
    I have some adult coloring books too and also kid ones and love to color.

  13. Me gustan las auroras boreales y las imagenes antiguas son geniales. Recién leía un libro sobre la cosechadora en caballos y verlo me encantó. Ame el cine, Te mando un beso.

  14. Beautiful and remarkable sharing as always dear John!

    You have indeed an ever growing inspiring spirit my friend!
    I strongly feel deep admiration for your uplifting attitude!
    I really loved the quote you shared ❤️
    Each word speaks my heart but more beautifully and more understandable way .
    I recommend such attitude always because I realised when we fix personal concept to view the world everything changes for better. I love how Creator has did justice and put this in our hands by making our life depend on how we perceive ourselves and world around us. Thanks for sharing.
    Your choice of book is fascinating and leads spirit towards a magical experience of witnessing aurora 🥹😍
    I have enjoyed your postcards selection always thoroughly ❤️
    Train journey is somewhat mystical experience and a wonderful way to view same things with broader perspective!
    I wait for hummingbirds shot eagerly actually 🥰 love this one ❤️
    Ship watching must be tranquil and enriching in solitude 🥹
    Thanks for making my day once again!
    Best wishes

  15. Hello John;
    Thank you for visiting and commenting on our first
    post of the year!
    So much great information in your post!
    - Magnicent Aurora, I'll see if they have it in Brazil.
    - Railways don't tell stories about how people lived in certain times or situations. I find it interesting.
    - I don't know if it's like that for you, but hummingbirds make me feel good, a little instant happiness when I see them.
    - In a small apartment I have in the city that's close to a port, I also like to watch cargo ships arriving and departing.
    - In Brazil, there were several railway projects that didn't work out. We have few. Most of the goods within Brazilian territory are transported by trucks.
    - I didn't know about those postcards. We have coloring books for adults here.
    - I loved the statement about attitudes, stoic words.
    - How we react. I believe that's what life is about; In 2023 we went through a flood, our democracy was almost overthrown, I personally went through some very challenging situations but it was the way I reacted to all of this that made me stand up, look out the window and start over...
    A lovely post!
    Have a good week.

  16. Wow John ... lots to see in this blog post, I did enjoy it, and reading through the comments above so did everyone else!

    Many thanks for including the Swindoll quote... excellent!

    2025 seems to be passing by quickly already, enjoy the rest of this month.
    Take care, keep safe and warm.

    All the best Jan

  17. Oh, that coloring book! Gives me an idea on my next digital product. I like that. And these post cards of course. So charming. How are you this winter, John? Stay safe!

  18. What a fun post!
    I love how you covered so many cool topics.
    That coloring book looks like such a relaxing way to spend an afternoon!
    The Swindoll quote is a great reminder about the power of attitude.
    The Swanrise tours sound amazing. Hope you can catch one next year!
    And your hummingbird photo is adorable!
    Thanks for sharing all these great bits of your January! 😊

  19. I am just stopping by to wish you a happy weekend.

  20. That's a book I would really enjoy. We actually had some aurora sightings in Joshua Tree (very rare this far south). I couldn't see it with my naked eye, but the camera picked it up. Love all the old vintage postcards!


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