Friday, March 11, 2011

Port Stop: Hilo, Hawaii

After four days at sea (see my last post) we've arrived in the Aloha State. First stop is Hilo, on the big island, which has the same name as the State: Hawaii.  Our early morning arrival is greeted with a little tropical sprinkle and a tiny rainbow as we near the dock.

Large ships like the Golden Princess are not usually taken into port solely by the ship's captain, but by a local expert, known as a pilot.  This person helps the captain navigate safely. Our ship slows to a crawl as the Pilot comes aboard.

Although we don't use a tug, one is available and gives us a welcome salute.

About an hour later we join about 50 other cruisers aboard a bus for a pre-arranged tour of some sights on the island. There are several tours to choose from.

Our first stop is Big Island Candies were we get to see confections being made and even sample a few.

Next stop: Hawaii Botanical Tropical Gardens where the flowers amaze me.

The garden trail begins on a hillside and as we wind our way down to the bottom, we get some peek views of the ocean and volcanic beach.

Next, it's time for lunch and we enjoy a buffet waiting for us at Naniloa Volcanoes Resort. After lunch, I step out on the lawn and snap a few pics of Hilo Bay and the island for a panorama.

We reboard the bus and travel up to Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park where it seems almost a requirement to take a photo of Halema'uma'u Crater and spend a while in the Visitor Center.

Back on the bus for one last stop:  Hershey's Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut factory.

Some pretty scenery around the factory ...

Back on the ship, an afternoon snap of the port from the Sky Deck ...

And that completes our port stop in Hilo, Hawaii. Thank you for stopping by John's Island. Comments are welcome. Next post: Honolulu.


  1. Beautiful!!!! I could have spent a day at the botanical gardens! Would have hated to miss out on the candy though! :)

  2. Yeah, I'm with Beverly. I could skip just about anything else (besides the buffet feast!) to stay in the gardens... Lovely!

  3. Thank you for taking us on a fabulous tour! Oh my, stunning botanical garden images! Your collages of the gorgeous tropical flowers are lovely. Looks like you had a glorious day. Looking forward to your Honolulu post!

  4. John, another fabulous post and a whole lot of absolutely fantastic pictures! The botanical garden must have really been something up close and personal. What a lovely time you must have had. Looking forward to more!

  5. The scenery is gorgeous.Candy factories sound like a good place to visit.

  6. I would like to spend several days - with the candies and the flowers :)
    Wonderful post!

  7. mmmmmm candy AND beautiful flowers - beautiful!

  8. The flowers are just stunning. Great post!

  9. I am really enjoying your trip. I've always wanted to take an ocean voyage exactly for the relaxation you describe. I'm looking forward to the rest of "our" trip. I've got my summer clothes ready.

  10. What a wonderful post - and flowers? gotta be one of my favourites - your images are spectacular John. Thank you so much for sharing your trip with all of us. So exciting even if vicarious! And thank you again for stopping by my blog, appreciated your comments so much.

  11. Looks like a fabulous trip! I especially love the Hawaiin flowers...of course! :)

  12. Hi Mr Netty tis Beez Love homes with wide all round verandas our family home as a child was built as like we had a horse that would get out of paddock and clip clop around the veranda what a racket he would cause Wake all up & on hot nights my bedroom window would be open he wod stick his head in & start neying lol lol too funnie your pic of the plantation home reminded me of this .:)) love reading your adventures & looking at the pics of where you have visited thankq beez :))


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....