Friday, February 11, 2011

The Emerald City from Mount Baker Ridge Viewpoint

When they say "The Emerald City" ... This is what they're talking about.

It's not unusual to get a nice break in the weather in February. Yesterday was one of those nice days and I decided to see how the city looked from the relatively unknown Mt Baker Ridge Viewpoint. Our view here is looking to the west-northwest. City center is a little over 2 miles distant and the Olympic Mountains a little over 40 miles. The perspective from this location gives some interesting effects such as the Space Needle (near right edge) looking almost at ground level. Actually, it's 605 feet in height.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island!


  1. Beautiful. Nice that you have so many green trees to break up the concrete...

  2. What a beautiful shot of a beautiful city, John! I love the way all the colors just pop. Very nice!

  3. Nice picture. Camera seems to be performing well.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing. I live on the other side of the water so even though Seattle is so close, I don't get to see those views very often. The weather sure can be beautiful here and you were lucky enough to get out and capture the moment. Wonderful!

  5. Wow! Fantastic shot! I have never been to Seattle before but feel as if you are my wonderful tour guide. Thank you for sharing such beautiful sights, John!

  6. Really awesome capture John! What a picture postcard!!

  7. When I enlarged your shot, I was amazed at the colour and light! A beautiful city!

  8. I have a lot of books and gave lots of the commercial ones away. I still have the important ones. Would be neat about your father-in-law. I wonder what he has?


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