Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Portal to the Pacific

If you decided to visit Seattle by car from someplace in the east, you would probably arrive via Interstate 90. As you get close to the city you will cross Mercer Island, and then Lake Washington on one of the world’s longest floating (yes, floating!) bridges, and then enter a tunnel, over which are the words “Seattle – Portal to the Pacific”.  I like this but I’m not sure what to call it. Is it a motto, a slogan, a nickname … well, it’s too long for a nickname. But, it’s like The Big Apple for NYC or The Windy City for Chicago. Well, whatever you want to call it, it’s true. And that leads me back to my last post about ocean shipping. We see the big ships in Seattle all the time, but the locals rarely seem to pay much attention. So, I thought I should go down to the waterfront and see if I could get a little better picture to feature for Portal to the Pacific.  My friends back in the Mid-West see these grain silos a lot. Not so often do you see them built right next to water for loading the grain onto cargo ships. American farmers are pretty amazing. Not only do they feed us, but also a lot of people all over the rest of the world.  I’m not sure where this ship might be headed. Maybe someone will read this and leave me a comment about how to know where ships currently in harbor are destined to go.

By the way, be sure to click on the photo to see the larger view. When you do that, look carefully on the right to see Mt. Rainier in the distance.


  1. Great picture. I see the Space Needle in the background.My husband had a replica of this,bought years ago when he visited this city.

  2. Yeah, you're right. Haven't seen those big grain silos and elevator that close to the water before! Thanks for sharing (and nice tribute to the farming community!)

  3. Wow! Sensational photograph (especially enlarged)! A first for me seeing grain silos so close to the water. What a wonderful Seattle tour guide you are, John! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Wonderful, John! Please take a look at this link. You can track ships using this tool.

  5. Fabulous photography John!! Love the silos! And I love the "look" you're getting with your GF1...don't you just love that camera?


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