Monday, January 31, 2011

Ocean Shipping

I selected today's title based on my profile. When I say I'm interested in "ocean shipping" I'm mostly talking about large ships, which I find fascinating. On the afternoon of January 26th, I spotted this cargo ship anchored in Elliott Bay. The late afternoon sunshine created a bright reflection. Be sure to click on the photos for larger views.

The ship is waiting to be loaded with grain at the Louis Dreyfus Grain Terminal, which you can see in the picture below. This picture was taken last March from the Space Needle. Note the fireboat practicing at the left.


  1. Neat shots! Definitely nothing I get to see around here!

  2. Love these shots, John! The fireboat is an especially nice capture!

  3. So happy to see fresh new images from Seattle..well.. maybe just one ;)
    Very nice captured!

  4. What a difference in the areas that we live in. You show me images that I would never see otherwise.
    Great captures!

  5. Fabulous images, John! Ships and boats really do enhance the scene. Fantastic compositions on both. Lovely captures!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog, John.

    I love the different light in your two shots! Lovely composition, too.

  7. awesome ..........
    I like these kind of natural collection of images.Drayage Charleston

  8. The largest ship I ever saw was the one troopship I went to Korea/Japan on. The USS Breckenridge. We landed in Honolulu and got off -- a corn field kid on the beach in Hawaii was special. I got off at Yokohama and stayed in Japan. Your photographs remind me of some neat pictures I have seen on calendars. I think your pictures would work on a calendar too. Nice photos.


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