Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Seattle's Kerry Park View

In my last post I mentioned taking a bunch of pics of the view from this little park overlooking the city. I've stitched those into a panorama for today's post. These panoramas become huge files, so the pic below is very reduced.

The view here looks to the south and, if you look carefully, you'll see Mt. Rainier in the distance. The pros like to wait for a sunset to get the light just right on the mountain along with reflections from the buildings for a really spectacular photo.

The pictures were taken on Sunday, January 2, which was one of several beautiful, but cold, sunny days in a row. The body of water on the right side is Elliott Bay, a part of Puget Sound.  The Sound connects to the Pacific Ocean via the Strait of Juan de Fuca.  Seattle is not actually on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

If you would like to see a slightly larger view, I posted one here.

Thanks for visiting the Island.


  1. Fantastic, John. What a great panoramic photo!

  2. @BirdGalAlcatraz Jann, Thanks for visiting the island and the kind comment!

  3. Fantastic! I have yet to try stitching photos.

  4. John, spectacular panoramic image! A most beautiful, amazing view. So glad that you started blogging. I'm looking forward to viewing your future posts!

  5. @~CherylHi Cheryl, Thank you for the kind comment. Wondering: Are you on Twitter? Would like to follow you there if so. Thanks again, John.

  6. @Julie G.Hi Julie, Thank you for the kind comments! Hope you will visit the Island often. You are one of my inspirations for blogging. John

  7. We are already Twitter-connected! I probably discovered you via Steve Garufi about the time he did his railroad walk maybe earlier; I just don't twitter much these days. We sold our B&B in CO, and I took up the 365 photo challenge (it posts automatically to Twitter).

    I didn't know Pike Place is the longest running farmers' market. We "did the stairs" this past summer just to see if we could still do it. I'm still recovering! :D


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