Sunday, January 2, 2011

Emerald City

Sunny weather encouraged me to get out and take some photos the last few days. One place I stopped was Kerry Park, possibly the best-known Seattle overlook. Almost any time you stop by here there will be a few people enjoying the view. When the TV networks do their evening news from Seattle they like to use this park for the backdrop. I took several pics to stitch together for a panorama and, if it turns out OK, will post it. Until then, here's the view.

This scene is often used as a sort of "The City of Seattle" view but what most folks don't get to see is the rest of Kerry Park. It's a nice little park, but not very large. Here's a shot showing some of the "backstage" view.

Spent quite a bit of time this morning looking at other blogs to get some ideas. Have lots of work to do -- there are so many great blogs out there. Thanks for visiting!


  1. Beautiful John! That first shot of "downtown" is Superb! And I LOVE to see the grass so green. Our snow is beginning to melt so we are starting to see grass now too, but it's not so green.
    Glad you started the blog! I will look forward to your posts!

  2. Congratulations on the new blog!! I've only seen Seattle in photos and on TV but it is beautiful!!! I look forward to enjoying it through your photos and blog!

  3. Hi John! Great to see you've started a blog! These first photos are very pretty and give people a good idea of what Seattle is like. It's a beautiful city. I look forward to more of your blog posts!

  4. Kerry, Beverly, and Jann -- Welcome to John's Island. What a great delight to see three of my Twitter favorites here at the Island. Hope you will stop by often. Always enjoy and appreciate your comments. Thanks for following!

  5. I'm so excited you started your own blog John! You're off to a great start...fantastic photos and I especially love the view of Seattle with the golden highlights from the sun!! Happy New Year my Friend!

  6. Thank you for sharing John!! Beautiful pictures!!


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