Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gravelly Range Road

High up in the Rocky Mountains of southwest Montana is a road less travelled known as the Gravelly Range Road. Up in this high country cattle graze in the summer, and for a few days each year it's full of color when wildflowers bloom. In 2005 I spent a day up there and snapped quite a few pictures. Here are a few to brighten up the mid-winter doldrums.

If you must see where this is all located, I have placed a link to Google Maps here.  Zoom out to get the relationship to the rest of the country.


  1. John, these are lovely! Makes me wish spring was here!

  2. Beautiful, bright, glorious images, John! Such a delight viewing vibrant, colorful photos in the middle of a bitter cold, gray, snowy winter. Fantastic post!

  3. Boy would I love to spend a day in that field of wildflowers!

  4. Glorious sunny images John! Super post!

  5. Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous!!! Love this post and the beautiful flowers bring a big smile to my face in anticipation of Spring!!

  6. Thanks to all for the kind comments. I am truly encouraged by the response I've had since starting the blog around the first of January. Just to know that friends are enjoying it makes it all worthwhile.

  7. Hi John! Nice to meet you! Thanks for finding my blog so I could come back and get this lovely spot of color today! Spring is just around the corner for us in Texas (usually starts budding, really greening in late Feb. if we're lucky).

    Will enjoy seeing more of your photos in the future! And, yes, I love our Run*A*Round Ranch and all it has to offer!


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