Thursday, January 13, 2011

To Honor the Memory of Christina Taylor Green

My Twitter friends may recognize this photo which I posted last May.  It's one of my favorites.  One beautiful flower for another.  May God be with Christina's family and all the victims of last Saturday's tragic shooting.

Read about Christina


  1. A lovely photo and a lovely tribute, John. I commend you.

  2. Beautiful sentiments and stunning photo. A very kind gesture, John.

  3. Julie and Jann, Thank you for kind comments. I also received nice comments on Twitter, and via Picassa. All are much appreciated.

  4. John...I LOVE what you're doing with your blog!! It's off to a fabulous start! This is truly a beautiful photo and a lovely tribute to the tragedy and lives lost last Saturday. Keep up the great work :)

  5. Thanks to all for the kind comments!


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