Friday, April 26, 2013

King Street Station Seattle

King Street Station, Seattle, Washington
A major renovation has returned the Station to its original
1906 glory.

Completion of the project was celebrated this week in Seattle.

Over the years the Station was allowed to fall into poor condition
and the amazing ceiling was covered.

King Street Station was the destination for passengers arriving
via transcontinental rail from the East.

Main room ceiling is amazing!

We visited the Station on Thursday to snap these photos to share
here on the Island.

Original seating, accomodating over 100 years
of passengers, still looking good.

Boarding spot for the Coast Starlight ...
one of the premier rail trips down the West Coast.

The ceiling was covered over in the 50s to make the large room
easier to heat.

Sign posted in the Station shows historical photos.

Enlargement from the sign.

Looking down the platform.

Seattle can be proud of the competion of this project!

Last glimpse of ceiling beauty.
Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. The Bolt bus stops at King Street, so I think I'll be heading there one of these days to have an adventure in Seattle. Thanks for the great information, John. :-)

  2. wow, that is really a beautiful terminal!

  3. That Station looks very grand. I love all those details in older buildings.

  4. A great series of this station.

  5. I am fascinated by the photos you post in your blog so I kept coming back. Have a great weekend, John. :)

  6. Thanks to all my followers for the kind comments!

  7. What a beautiful station you have there!

  8. (i haven't seen a meme specific to showing off collections. doesn't mean one doesn't exist somewhere, though. as for a master list of them, i've only seen folks share their favorites either on their blog sidebar or on a separate page on their blog - like i have 'favorite link-ups' as a tab on my site. i know nancy at has a bunch of memes she participates in. you might want to stop and view her site or page sometime!)

  9. We have a similar edifice in downtown St. Paul which is finally get the attention/renovation it deserves. My grandfather was a chef on the run between St. Paul and )Seattle over a hundred years ago....:)


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