Friday, July 26, 2013

Mt Rainier

All photos July 25, 2013 ...

Dawn over the Cascades
Yes, that rugged horizon ... Cascade peaks
About 50+ miles away
from Seattle

Moon over Green Lake
Seattle, WA, USA

Slash in the Sky

Sun touching Space Needle
Rower waiting for sunrise.

Looking for breakfast
Sorry for saving the post title for last, but it was a beautiful summer day in the Northwest and it just seemed fitting to share a few photos taken earlier on July 25.  Later, in the afternoon, John couldn't resist another trip up to 73 to see how Mt Rainier was fairing in the clear skies.
Mount Rainier
On a clear afternoon
from Sky View 73
July 25, 2013
If you have about 4 minutes and you're interested in Mount Rainier history, take a look at my video posted back in 2008 and see the brochure about Mt Rainier National Park published in 1916.

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Check out these links for more pics John likes ...
Weekend Reflections
SkyWatch Friday

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Full Thunder Moon AND Sunrise

The Full Thunder Moon just above Seattle this morning.
Sunrise reflected in skyscrapers.
July 23, 2013
Earlier, last evening ...

Looking SE about 30 mins after moonrise
Just think of the buildings as urban mountains
: - )

And, before sunrise this morning ...

Wall-to-wall blue skies ...
A clear, warm day on the way for Seattle.

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Visit to 73

76-story Columbia Center
Seattle, WA, USA
The 2nd tallest building on the West Coast has remodeled its observation area and now calls it Sky View.  It's on the 73rd floor of the 76-story Columbia Center in downtown Seattle. John went up to take a look on Wednesday, July 17, 2013, and here are a few snaps.

Looking north on a somewhat hazy day.

Looking south over a portion of the Port of Seattle.

Need any evidence of where Americans like to spend their money?
CenturyLink Field is home to NFL Seahawks.
In lower right -- highrise condos/apts under construction
 may be just
what a football fan is looking for.

The 38-story Smith Tower.
Built in 1914 and tallest building on West Coast
until Space Needle replaced it in 1962.
Now we look down on it from 73.
Will visit again on a clear day to see how Mt. Rainier looks.

Dahlia Update

Snaps this week at Volunteer Park Dahlia Garden ...

Blooms are happening on many of the dahlias.
(Don't miss last week's post on first bloom!)

Alpen Matthew ... one of John's favorites.

Kenora Wow ... featured last week ...  

Ummmm ...  good ...


Friday, July 19, 2013, sunrise reflected in One Union Tower
Official sunrise time = 05:32
and window washers already at work on
building to the left!
Must have been a nice sunrise from
up there!
This week started with a really warm, clear day on Monday.  During the middle of the week, some spots had a drop of rain, and clouds provided some cooler temps.  Friday looking like another mostly sunny, warm day.  Pretty typical weather for mid-summer in Seattle.

Check out more SkyWatch pics at SkyWatch Friday.  

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Friday, July 12, 2013

First Dahlia Bloom 2013

Kenora Wow -- first to bloom 2013
Followers who have been with us for a while will recall one of John's fascinations from last summer ... the Puget Sound Dahlia Association garden in Volunteer Park, Seattle. A lot of photos were taken (mostly August and September) and then shared here on John's Island in January ... something to brighten up mid winter. This year we've been eagerly awaiting the first blooms at the garden and we're happy to report that Kenora Wow takes the prize with the bloom opening in the first few days of July.  Some progress photos of the garden are below. Will post more dahlia beauties as the garden progresses.  Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

A view of the garden in mid winter.

Early June.

July 5th
Kenora Wow near center


Friday, July 12, 2013, started with
the sunrise reflected in skyscrapers.
(Seattle, Washington, USA)
Later, at Green Lake, partly cloudy skies.
Clearing and warmer temps are forecast.
Check out more at SkyWatch Friday

Friday, July 5, 2013

July 4th 2013 Seattle Fireworks

A few of the fireworks enjoyed last night over Lake Union in Seattle, Washington ...

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day 2013

America celebrates her 237th Birthday today.

Happy Independence Day!

John asks:

How many people asked you yesterday, "What are you doing for the 4th?"  Well, it seemed unlikely to reply that I would look through my archives and see if I could find a few photos to share on my blog.  Ha ha.  But that is the way it is.  So, here we go and hope you enjoy ...

This mountain sunrise, the dawn of a new day, embraces the hope
we have for another great year for America. 
The Blue Angels would be an appropriate celebration today.
We have them here in Seattle (most years) but
usually in August as a part of Seafair.
There will be parades all over the country today.
If I was in a small town, like the one above, I might go
to the parade.  Well, sometimes, it seems like
"seen one, seen 'em all" ... so maybe not. Ha ha.
Balloons seem appropriate.
Fireworks are a must.  Later this evening we WILL have
them in Seattle.  We nearly DIDN'T but the locals
rallied and will "get 'er done".  The issue
was "economic", of course.

These fireworks photo are from last year taken
from John's observation platform.

This fireworks show is over Lake Union.

Nature, of course, can put fireworks to shame.
Thank you for stopping by John's Island.

It's About Time

Reminder: Daylight "Saving" Time begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM (March 9, 2025) in USA  100 years ago there were no smartphon...