Friday, July 26, 2013

Mt Rainier

All photos July 25, 2013 ...

Dawn over the Cascades
Yes, that rugged horizon ... Cascade peaks
About 50+ miles away
from Seattle

Moon over Green Lake
Seattle, WA, USA

Slash in the Sky

Sun touching Space Needle
Rower waiting for sunrise.

Looking for breakfast
Sorry for saving the post title for last, but it was a beautiful summer day in the Northwest and it just seemed fitting to share a few photos taken earlier on July 25.  Later, in the afternoon, John couldn't resist another trip up to 73 to see how Mt Rainier was fairing in the clear skies.
Mount Rainier
On a clear afternoon
from Sky View 73
July 25, 2013
If you have about 4 minutes and you're interested in Mount Rainier history, take a look at my video posted back in 2008 and see the brochure about Mt Rainier National Park published in 1916.

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Check out these links for more pics John likes ...
Weekend Reflections
SkyWatch Friday


  1. Beautiful series of photos! Happy SWF.

  2. That last picture is breathtaking.This one needs to be enlarged and displayed on a wall.

  3. I saw Mt. Rainier from the air last Wednesday, and it was spectacular, just like this picture. Great shots, and your views of our fair Pacific Northwest remind me how lucky we are to live here. :-)

  4. Gorgeous captures of one of my favorite places and I do miss Seattle!! Thanks for sharing! Such wonderful reflections!! Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Beautiful post, very nice set of pictures. We are breathing good air with you.

  6. I love the shot of the moon over Green Lake. I've been to Seattle once and have to say the city stole my heart.

  7. I really like your slash in the sky photo and looking for breakfast. Each are very well done :)

  8. Beautiful series of shots - thaks for sharing.

  9. I felt so much peace while looking at your images, magnificent pictures!
    Happy Sky Watch,


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....