Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bye Bye '15

Here it is the last day of 2015. Time to open up the music box and play the traditional tune.

Yes, that's our music box, yes, it's really old, and yes, it's a tradition to open it up and give it a spin on New Year's Eve here at the Island.

How was your '15?

We'll close out the year with one final sunset ... This one from the Treasure State of Montana, taken yesterday, December 30th. If it looks COLD, you are RIGHT! But beautiful indeed.

One more chorus of Auld Lang Syne and we're out of here!

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Happy New Year to you and yours, John. I think 2015 is the year I discovered you (but maybe it was the year before, the way time is flying by), and it has enriched my life a great deal. Stay safe tonight and may 2016 bring you all good things. :-)

  2. A very happy, safe, healthy, and productive 2000 sixteen to you and yours

  3. Hello, John! I have enjoyed my visits to your blog in 2016. I am looking forward to many more visits in 2016.
    Happy New Years to you and your family!

  4. A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours.Looking forward to seeing more of the sights that catch your attention.Thanks for all the encouragement you give me through your always kind comments.

  5. Oh, yes! A very Happy New Year to you and your family!! I do so enjoy your blog and photos and look forward to more in the coming year -- just like the others!! Hope you're having a lovely day with sunshine like we are here in Portland -- AT LAST!!! The sunshine and blue skies may not last long, but I will surely enjoy them before they leave!!

  6. John, wonderful picture from Montana, and I do suppose it's a bit chilly there. Love the blue. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  7. A wonderful sunset and song to see the old year out!
    Happy 2016!

  8. Oh I love your music box. I have a small collection but nothing as special as that one. It is beautiful.
    Happy New Year.

  9. love, love the music box!! hoping 2016 will be kind to the world over!

  10. Happy new year. All the best for 2016.

  11. That's a wonderful music box.
    Happy New Year to all on the 'island' with you, John.


  12. Happy New Year John!! All the best in 2016 my friend.

    I so enjoyed your post today. I love, love, love, the old music box. What a special treasure and what a wonderful tradition to open it up each year at just the right time.

    The scenery is spectacular in Montana and I hope you are still enjoying yourself there.

    I also think the two bears toasting in the New Year is very precious. I too will toast the New Year.

    All the very best to you and the missus of John's Island :-)

  13. The sunset from Montana is beautiful, but does look cold indeed. Thank you for sharing the lovely old tune from the music box! What a treasure!

    2015 seems like it went by so quickly! I don't think I've completely taken stock of everything yet! It has been a real pleasure getting to know you better through blogging...and thanks again for your many wonderful comments.

    Happy New Year!


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