Monday, December 28, 2015

Canadian Wildflowers [ca 1910]

We collect vintage travel memorabilia, especially related to travel by train in the days way before AMTRAK took over passenger service in the USA. The time period that interests us is from about the late 1800s to 1950s. Train enthusiasts, aka "railfans", like to refer to their favorite "roads", short for railroads and/or rail line companies. Our favorite roads were the ones that served the Pacific Northwest, especially the Great Northern, Northern Pacific, and Milwaukee Road. It's common to find items we like from other than our favorite roads and today's item is an example.

Today's post features an item published by the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railroad, which was a subsidary of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and nicknamed the SOO Line after the phonetic spelling of Sault. Wild Flowers of the Canadian Rockies was published sometime around 1910 by the SOO Line.  Here is the brochure ...


Pasque Flower and Golden Ragwort

Do you enjoy wildflowers?
White Heath and Marsh Everlasting Pea
It appears the illustrations are hand drawn, especially the colored versions. Hand coloring of photos was common during this time.
Canada Violet and Blue Lettuce

Yellow Adder's Tongue
Heart-Leaved Arnica and Pale-Flowered Arnica

Red False Heather and Ox-Eye Daisy

White Mountain Rhododendron
and Large-Flowered Blue-Eyed Grass

At the time of publication of this brochure, color was just starting to be a part of the printing process. How do you like the format with the black and white on the left ... color on the right?

Great-Flowered Gaillardia
Large Purple Beard-Tongue
and Butterwort

Drummond's Dryas
Purple Virgin's Bower

Wild Parsley
Small White Lady's Slipper
Small Yellow Lady's Slipper

Birch-Leaved Spiraea

List of Publications
Agents for the SOO Line

Back Cover

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Hello John, your Canadian Rockies wildflower memorabilia is wonderful. I would like to take the trail ride thru the Canadian Rockies. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. that's a neat brochure and handy for travelers, too.

  3. Love the pretty flowers, and now I know that there really ARE two kinds of arnica as we've had this discussion on the trail before. I like the format, but I prefer the colored ones. Thanks for the nice present of this book, John. :-)

  4. I can't imagine where you find these, and they are wonderful.

  5. I never knew that these two lines were subsidiaries of the Cpr . I always saw rail cars with Soo line on them and wondered what they were doing in Canada. This comes from a guy who worked for ten weeks for the CPR on track maintenance.

  6. I love these brochures you have shown, hope you had a lovely Christmas!!

  7. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. I enjoyed the wildflowers and think the black and white beside the colour pictures are rather effective.


  8. Yes, I do like wildflowers very much. What beautiful drawings and I do like the black and white on the one side with the color on other.

  9. I do like flowers,so these were just right for me.

  10. Very pretty wildflowers, John, and your images are always so nice and interesting.
    My best wishes of a Happy and Serene 2016 to you and yours!
    Greetings from Turin!

  11. Very pretty wildflowers, John, and your images are always so nice and interesting.
    My best wishes of a Happy and Serene 2016 to you and yours!
    Greetings from Turin!


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