Saturday, December 26, 2015

Yellowstone National Park Chapel

From our Yellowstone collection, a book by Aubrey Haines ...

A History of the Yellowstone National Park Chapel
by Aubrey L. Haines
Published 1963

First pages inside.

Table of Contents
Interior of the Chapel in 1917, Haynes Photo
Page ii

Key Figures in creation of the Chapel
Page 6

Interior of the Chapel in 1963, NPS Photo
Page 18
Amazon lists this book as "Out of Print -- Limited Availability". It can be found in some libraries as shown in this link.

If you have been to Yellowstone, did you see the Chapel?

Other photos from around the web ...

Chapel photo from Wikipedia

Stained Glass Window in YNP Chapel
Great Falls of the Yellowstone in the center.

Stained Glass Window in YNP Chapel
Old Faithful in the center.
The Chapel as it appears on Google Maps Street View
Grand Loop Road, Mammoth Hot Springs
Image date 2013
Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Hello John, lovely postcards. The chapel is beautiful, I love the stained glass windows. Have a happy weekend!

  2. It is still around! I'm glad to learn that, John. Isn't that Google Maps street view amazing? :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Google's blog, so I figured I should use their map. ;-)

  4. Inside it looks massive and ornate. Outside it doesn't look that big.

  5. Beautiful! I wonder how many weddings they've had there over the years?

    Did you have a Merry Christmas, John! Hope so! We had a strangely warm one, almost 80 degrees, though I was hoping against hope for snow anyway.

  6. Yes, I've been there but didn't see the chapel. The stained glass windows are beautiful.

  7. The Chapel looks like a lovely spot to sit and pray and think.


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