Sunday, April 17, 2016

Spotting Ships with VesselFinder

Saturday, April 16th, a busy morning for ship traffic ...

How to know what ship this is without VesselFinder?
It is the CMA GCM Titus - Container Ship arriving at 0530
Spotting ships is easy with Vessels are shown on a map. Click on the ship symbol and see the name and other information. Below are three screen shots. The first is an overview of the Pacific Northwest maritime region. Next zooming in on Puget Sound. Third, Elliott Bay, Port of Seattle. The little red square around the yellow icon shows our selection of the CMA GCM Titus.

Later after sunrise, the Hanjin Tabul container ship arrived. Notice the way cargo is positioned to balance the weight load.

Leaving for Kashima, Japan, the Campanula -- bulk cargo ship. This trip ... logs.

Lots of logs on this ship!

Campanula Info
Also departing ... A Golden Energy Oil Tanker ... the Energy Challenger ...

Energy Challenger
Oil Products Tanker
Energy Challenger Info
Out, we think, for testing, as it's tied up to a tug ... Pacific Glacier fishing vessel ...

Pacific Glacier fishing vessel
Pacific Glacier Info
Lastly, a colorful set of flags on this sailboat that seemed to be an advertisement for Garmin, the GPS manufacturer.
Somebody loves Garmin!
Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Hello, it does sound like a busy area for the ship traffic. I like teh boat in the last photo. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  2. Good report. Really enjoy the maritime information.

  3. You've got something to watch all day. this would be fascinating and when there are schedules on the net you have much more info.

  4. That site is really cool. Had fun watching the ships plowing about.

  5. Emerging from my sickbed and saying hello to the world! Hi John. :-)

  6. That is fascinating. It is so interesting to see how even the ships can be tracked like this.

  7. I would love to see these coming and going throughout the day. Didn't even know about vesselfinder!

  8. I like the colorful container ship.

  9. I could spend the whole day watching the ships come and go! Thanks for sharing! Aloha!


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