Thursday, April 7, 2016

Your April Fortune

From our old postcard collection ...

Your Fortune IF Born in April
Published about 1910

Born in April?
How did the Fortune Teller do?

Back of the card
Info left side shows: Copyrighted 1910 by J Marks N. Y.


  1. April is my month! What a fine horoscope, John, thanks for sharing.
    Many greetings.

  2. That is a very old looking post card. April is not my month so I cannot comment on the writings. Happy April to you!

  3. Im a a April baby I do like diamonds!!

  4. Hello John, it is a cool postcard. Happy April!

    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. I hope my April horoscope is that my knee with be functional by the end of the month! :-)

  6. John, great find with this post card. From the readings, everyone would want to be born in April!

  7. Not in April but next month in May. : )


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