Thursday, August 18, 2016

Full Sturgeon Moon

From our Journal ...

The Full Sturgeon Moon
August 18th, 6:17 AM
Native Americans had interesting names for the full moons. Here is this month's explanation from "The Full Sturgeon Moon - when that large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water like Lake Champlain is most readily caught. A few tribes knew it as the Full Red Moon because the moon rises looking reddish through sultry haze, or as the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon." Moonset today in Seattle, per 6:30 AM. Exact time for Full Moon in Seattle was 2:26 AM. When our photo was snapped this morning the phase was 99.9% waning. Is that TMI, or what? :-) The very light bands of pink were there ... not an enhancement. On the opposite horizon the sun was just about to rise and lighting up the sky with that pink light of dawn.

Colorful sunset, August 16th, 8:10 PM
Olympic Mountain Range creates the horizon.

Container Ship via Moonlight.
August 18th, 5:10 AM
We could have checked AIS data on VesselFinder for the ship's name, but forgot to do so. We'll just enjoy the photo.
U S Coast Guard
USCGC Bertholf
August 17th, 10:32 AM
"USCGC Bertholf is the first Legend-class maritime security cutter of the United States Coast Guard. She is named for Commodore Ellsworth P. Bertholf, fourth Commandant of both the Revenue Cutter Service and Coast Guard." Wikipedia


  1. Amazing pictures.The moon looks lovely in that pinkish sky,of course a sunset is always lovely to look at.I love the shot of the container ship in the moonlight.Great post.

  2. oh, my goodness! that first shot...

  3. I really like the Container Ship via Moonlight. That is a neat shot! I have a cousin who specializes in shooting at night, but I haven't had much of any success shooting in the dark (possibly in part because I'd almost always rather be sleeping... ;) ). Interesting to learn more about the Sturgeon Moon! You got a good photo of it!

  4. That moonlight shot of the ship is superb

  5. What a breathtaking has been beautiful this week, my friend. Thank you as always for blessing us with your amazing photography.

  6. Hello John, gorgeous shot of the moon. I love the views of the water and ships! Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  7. You shared some great shots today, John. I especially love the moonlight container ship. And that first one, too. Oh, all of them! :-)

  8. Hello John!:) Your first shot of the Sturgeon Moon is magnificent, and your knowledge of all the other names it is know by is impressive. I also like your glorious sunset shot, a very beautiful sight indeed. The moonlit shot of the container ship is amazing, and I did enjoy the photo of the Coast Guard ship.:)

  9. We have much to learn from native Americans. Because they lived outdoors they were much closer to what happened on the earth.

  10. Hoi John! Thank you so much for this interesting post with photos. I love the moon photo. Yesterday my husband and me were looking to the sky also because there was such a large, full moon between the clouds. Love also the boats. And you may tell more about Native Americans. I love that.

  11. Nice shots, John. Native American folk lore is interesting.

  12. That first photo is frame-worthy!

  13. The moon shot is absolutely brilliant !


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