Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Cracker Jack Bears -- Part IV [1907]

From John's old postcard collection ...

Numbers 13 - 16 of the 16 Cracker Jack Bears cards from 1907 ...

No. 13
The Cracker Jack Bears  No. 13
[Click on any image for larger view.]
This is the home of “Cracker Jack”
Where business never does grow slack
We work away from morn till night,
To make our sweets and make them

No. 14

The Cracker Jack Bears  No. 14
Here’s where we make our “Cracker Jack.”
In no appointments do we lack,
Our cooks are competent and skilled
And every order’s quickly filled.

No. 15

The Cracker Jack Bears  No. 15
Oh Mr. Teddy drop your gun
For us such business is no fun
So please don’t keep us on the rack
‘Cause we’re the bears with “Cracker Jack.”

No. 16

The Cracker Jack Bears  No. 16
Then next they flew away to Mars,
That lies high up among the stars,
And there they found a great demand
For “Cracker Jack” on every hand.

The back of all 16 cards is the same.  Here is an example ...

Back of the Cracker Jack Bears postcards
One cent postage!
Published 1907
Rueckheim Bros. & Eckstein, Chicago, U.S.A.
The card that got us started on collecting the Cracker Jack Bears was number 15 which shows U. S. President Teddy Roosevelt and the bears near Yellowstone National Park. We were collecting Yellowstone memorabilia when the card showed up on eBay. This is our favorite of the 16 cards. The top bear says, "Oh! Don't shoot Mr. President. We're the Cracker Jack Bears." The other bear says, "Yes, we met you at the White House in Washington. Don't you remember?" A sign below the bears says "30 Miles to Yellowstone Park."

Please check our archive for the earlier posts showing the full set of Cracker Jack Bears postcards and giving the full background.

Linking up with Eileen's Saturday's Critters. Thanks, Eileen, for hosting my Cracker Jack Bears again! Lots of excellent critter photos at the link!

Other Stuff from John's Island ...

A Postcard for the Weekend ... 

We've been linking up with Maria's new Postcards for the Weekend. Each weekend there is a different theme ... this week's is Museum/university/library. Once again, we had little in the collection to choose from and hope we aren't stretching the envelope too much with the card below. :-)

Antique Auto Musem
of Arizona

Back of the unused card.
Photo by Jim Sexton.
Here is the description on the back of the card ...

One of the West's most outstanding collections of antique and classic automobiles is located on South Scottsdale Road in Scottsdale, Arizona. The whole family will enjoy a tour through this unique museum.

If you enjoy postcards be sure and check out Maria's Postcards for the Weekend.  OK, Maria, how about that for a Museum? :-)

Still more stuff from John's Island ...

We wonder if anyone might be looking for easy and safe snow removal?  We hear there is a lot of new snow piling up in the Eastern USA.

The Snow Burner
A New Scheme for Clearing Snow from Sidewalks

The Burner uses Calcium Carbide
What do you think about The Snow Burner?

Device distraction ...

We are concerned with the current trend toward distracted driving due to texting, how about you? In that regard, we happened to see the following picture on line that kind of sums up device distraction ... look what you might be missing! In this case it's something pretty big ...

Are you concerned about device distraction?

How about some music ...

Ever heard of a gayageum?   Wiki says: "The gayageum is a traditional Korean zither-like string instrument, with 12 strings, though some more recent variants have 21 or other number of strings. It is probably the best known traditional Korean musical instrument."  An email from sent us the following video we thought worth sharing. It is Luna playing Pink Floyd's 'Another Brick in the Wall' ... tell us what you think!

Many of the blogs we follow feature some links to music. We thought we would throw in a couple ourselves with the full realization that music appreciation is very subjective. We hope you enjoy.

According to an article at, neuroscience says listening to the one song below can reduce anxiety by up to 65%.  Will it work for you?

Lastly, a variety of recent snaps ...

Rainbow over Elliott Bay Marina
Nov 22nd  7:37 AM
Linking up with Skywatch Friday. Thanks to Yogi, Sandy, and Sylvia for hosting. Lots of excellent sky photos at the link!

Looking across at Bainbridge Island
Nov 21st  9:20 AM
Rare sub sighting!
Nov 25th  3:24 PM

Fresh snow on the Olympic Mountains.
Looking over the neighborhood to the west.
Nov 23rd  7:44 AM
Another look at fresh snow on the mountains.
Plus a little bit of rainbow.
Nov 25th  9:04 AM

A NOAA research vessel near Pier 90
Nov 22nd  9:02 AM

Rough water but the ferry rolls on.
Nov 19th  7:22 AM

The yacht club as seen from our place.
Nov 21st  8:41 AM

Traffic on the Sound.
Nov 19th  1:29 PM

Contrail at sunset.
Nov 21st  4:21 PM

Closing thought ...

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.


  1. O John, that is a wonderful Rainbow! SUPER. Thanks for your comment, so I was longing to see your photo. ( I have written a new one on my other blog, with a pic our mill in the fog, welcome)

  2. Love your addition to Maria's link, quite original. and I laughed with the distracted man... :D

  3. Hello John, I enjoyed seeing your Cracker jack bear cards. Great collection. Love the rainbow and sky shots. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  4. Hi John a fantatic collection of cards you are showing and some great photos from the Sound. As for useing mobile devices I think there should be a device in the car or truck you drive that disables them, it can be done I know. I've added a link which shows a crash that happened not far from where I live and even nearer towhere I work. The vidio is destressing but show what a the truck driver being distracted.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. My goodness, John, your posts are getting weightier every single day! So much to peruse and consider, I have already quite forgotten what you asked me at the start. (going back) oh yeah, the Snow Burner. Looks quite scary to me! And device distraction: yes, it's terribly unsafe out there because of it. Off to write my own blog post. :-)

  6. I wonder what Confucius would say now? I liked your Cracker jack post card collection. when I was a kid I liked Cracker Jack.

  7. Wonderful pictures.The bright rainbow the snow covered mountains and then to see a sub.Great stuff john.Thanks for all your kind comments on my blog.I truly appreciate them.

  8. Lots to look at here today!! Love the Cracker Jack bears.
    Like the rainbow.
    Never heard of a gayageum and I don't think it's my thing. : )

  9. John, you've certainly given us a varied feast for the eyes today, very enjoyable :)
    Not sure about that snow burner though, hmmm...


  10. I like the museum card and wouldn't mind the snow burner...if it was safe! We get a lot of snow where I live...none yet, but it's coming soon.

    Great cards and pictures again!

  11. What interesting post! Beautiful photo of the rainbow

  12. Lovely antique museum postcard and great pictures!

  13. Cracker Jack bears, 'remember we met you at the White House' so funny. I like auto museums, there is one not too far away from where I live but no postcard of it but it does have a nice coffee shop by the river. Love the gayageum (even though my spellchecker wanted to change it to 'garage umbrella'!) I'll pass on the snow burner, the whole neighbourhood could go up in smoke.

  14. I did enjoy the rendition of Pink Floyd. I always enjoy different types of music. Hard to imagine the snow burner was a real thing!

  15. Hello John, thanks so much for your diligence in searching for a postcard that fits the theme! This Antique Auto Museum is excellent! I was hoping it's in WA so I can see it when I visit .. alas! it's in PA.

    Always nice to see vintage postcards here in your page. These cards have a certain character on them. Thanks for sharing!

  16. i love these soooper cute post cards John thank you for sharing so much pleasure here.
    we don't have here auto museum .i found it great idea to display unique objects through such wonderful method .
    enjoyed the music too .second video seems successful in it's mission.
    your capturing is beautiful .Rainbow and sunset look so captivating .


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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