Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Cracker Jack Bears -- Part III [1907]

From John's old postcard collection ...

Numbers 9 - 12 of the 16 Cracker Jack Bears cards from 1907  ...

No. 9
The Cracker Jack Bears  No. 9
[Click on any image for larger view.]

Away to southward then they
Where many acres of peanuts
From there went many a heavy sack
Of peanuts grown for “Cracker Jack.”

No. 10

The Cracker Jack Bears  No. 10

Next to the husking bee they went
On happiness and good times bent
And there the corn in many a sack
Was ready to make into “Cracker Jack.”

No. 11

The Cracker Jack Bears  No. 11

The circus with its oilt
It’s sawdust, tinsel
         and display
Is not complete if it
      should lack
The customary
       “Cracker Jack.”

No. 12

The Cracker Jack Bears  No. 12

We’re a great success
         upon the field
And with effect the
       bat can wield,
But playing ball grows
      rather slack
When we can eat good
       “Cracker Jack.”

For the full background and first 8 cards, please see our previous posts here and here.  We will shortly be posting Part IV for the remaining cards in the series. Question: Card number 11's poem starts, "The Circus with its oilt array" ... Any thoughts on what "oilt" means or could it be a misprint?

Card No. 12 reminds us Cubs (bears) are big winners in 2016.  In honor of the World Series Champions here we have crowd sourced Go Cubs Go. Please be careful ... this thing can get stuck in your head! :-)

More from John's Island ...

One for the weekend ...

The theme this week for Postcards for the Weekend is "Books/reading/authors" and, once again, although a part of our daily routine, not much to draw from in the postcard collection! So, we hope Maria will allow us to stretch the envelope once again for the First Day Cover below.  Question: Who was the author of the first telegram ever sent?

First Day Cover
Samuel Morse Sends First Telegraph Message
May 24, 1844
Cover Postmarked May 24, 1978
Back of the Cover with Info on Stamps Used

The link to Postcards for the Weekend is here.  Thanks for hosting, Maria!

Halloween Havoc ... or, Kitty Go Nap ...

While on my daily walk, October 29th, I had to stop and snap a pic of this kitty decoration for Halloween. It was quite a lot for this home. Impressive! Wouldn't you agree?

Kitty on Oct 29
Then, on the night of October 30th, we had a little wind/rain storm here in Seattle. So, on my walk on the 31st, which, of course, was actually Halloween day, the kitty had taken a tumble ...

Kitty on Oct 31

The really hilarious funny part is that the kitty had a little electric motor in its head that turned left and right very slowly. Even on the ground the head was still turning! I did not have an opportunity to check back and see if the kitty was on all four in time for Trick or Treat!

If you like the Cracker Jack bears and the kitty above, you will enjoy Eileen's Saturday's Critters. Be sure and check it out here!  Thanks, Eileen, for hosting!

More from the walk ...

November 9th  3:05 PM
Crisp, sunny afternoon ... Great for a walk!
Big trees in the center have lost almost all leaves
in just a couple of weeks.
A few more recent snaps ...

Nov 14th  8:36 AM
Yang Ming Container Vessel
A break in the overcast was like a spotlight on the ship
as she moved southward in the Sound.

Nov 12th  4:48 PM
Almost dusk.
Cosco Container Vessel arriving in Puget Sound.

Nov 12th  4:40 PM
Unusual sunset highlights.
Perfect height, in some places, for reflections.

Nov 12th  3:13 PM
A stormy afternoon.
Bainbridge/Seattle Ferries passing on their route.

Nov 10th  1:22 PM
Auto Ferry about to enter fog bank.
Fog was slowly burning off since early morning, but still
thick over by Bainbridge Island.

Nov 10th  1:24 PM
A couple minutes later ... Ferry disappeared into the fog.

A few more SKY pics for good measure ....

Homes to the west with perfect angle for reflecting the setting sun
seen in the next photo.
Nov 17th  4:22 PM

Nov 17th  4:21 PM
Orange sky at night, sailors delight?

 November 3rd ... a colorful evening ...

Nov 3rd  5:46 PM

Nov  3rd  5:59 PM
Like sky photos? We are linking up with Skywatch Friday  Lots of neat sky photos there! Thanks to the hosts Yogi, Sandy, and Sylvia.

Nov 3rd  6:01 PM
Looking southwest over Alki Point
Vashon Island in the distance.

Nov 3rd  6:00 PM
Olympic Mountains to the west
Closing thought ...
Always remember that the future comes one day at a time. 
    Dean Acheson

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.  Join us next week for the last of the Cracker Jack Bears cards!


  1. Quite a collectrion of Crackerjack Bear cards you have. Love the photo of the ferry in the fog and those amazing sunsets

  2. awwwwwwwwwww

    you know I love those sunset shots!!

  3. Hello, the bears are just so cute. I like the circus card. Poor kitty fell over, glad it was not damaged. Pretty views of the water and sky. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  4. PS John, thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. hope you are having a great weekend!

  5. Thank you so much for all you nice photos. I love the strange red clouds and the falling cat :-)

  6. Pretty postcards and great photos!
    And I love the telegraph FDC!

  7. I always enjoy your posts, John. I think I might have missed commenting on the last one, since life tends to get in the way sometimes. I love the postcards and suspect that word is a typo. And the huge cat! That's fun, too. :-)

  8. The last photo is a winner. The photos on sunsets are spectacular. The bear jingles are great.

  9. Amazing sky pictures John. I also love the foggy scenes.Have a great rest of the weekend.

  10. What an awesome series of photos! The postcards are a great bit of history. I like the scenery you share with is. That huge cat is definitely different!

  11. those are fantastic sky and sunset indeed :). Cheers from NYC..

  12. It's been fun seeing the Cracker Jack Bear pictures.
    Beautiful sky pictures.
    Nice to see pictures from your walk too. : )

  13. The sunsets are really gorgeous. The poor Halloween cat gave me a good laugh!!!

  14. Aha! Thanks for jogging my memory John! I almost forgot about Samuel Morse. Your FDC is very much appreciated. Thanks for joining and linking up. Until next week.

  15. Enjoyed the First Day Cover, the Cracker Jack cards and the sky pictures too! Can't really pick a favourite today!

  16. Post cards, ships, skies. You got it all in this post!

  17. I particularly like your photos from the 9th and 12th--great shots! I also like the beautiful colors of the sky. The Cracker Jack bears are so fun! Neat also to see the first day cover!

  18. Love those old postcards. You reminded me of a box of postcards I have stashed that I bought at a yard sale. Gonna drag it out and have some fun! Lovely shots, too! Thanks for sharing! Old man winter has finally arrived! Aloha!

  19. Regarding your comment over at my place: What? You wouldn't have visited the day's post otherwise? Ah. I'm crushed.

  20. ahhhhhhhhhhhh you saved my self esteem. ;)

  21. Hello!:) Old cards are great to collect. You have a fun collection of the bears. The cat even with huge claws doesn't scare anyone in that position!!:) Your sunsets are beautiful, and I always enjoy seeing the ships, and those are great shots of the ferries in the mist. Have a nice day!:)


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....