Sunday, July 30, 2017

Wildflowers - YNP - Lunch with Mom - Maritime - Postcards - SkyWatch

Over 100 Years Ago

Wildflowers of the Canadian Rockies
Published by the Soo Line Railroad
ca 1910 to 1915
This Wildflowers of the Canadian Rockies brochure, in our collection, was published by the Soo Line Railroad sometime around 1910. The scans below show the look of the interior.

The brochure is illustrated and includes descriptions.

Ever heard of Wild Parsley?

80 Years Ago

A photo from our Yellowstone collection ... In the summer of 1937, President and Mrs. Roosevelt toured Yellowstone National Park. Probably an early visit as there is still plenty of snow roadside and coats are in use.

55 Years Ago

This month, 55 years ago, I enjoyed lunch with mom at the Space Needle. A photographer snapped our picture and mailed us the print in the little folder shown just above. So happy to have kept this little bit of memorabilia!

Maritime Update

Recent ...
Royal Caribbean's Explorer of the Seas
arriving Seattle, July 28, 5:15 AM
Explorer of the Seas is one of the largest
cruise ships visiting Seattle this summer.
In the Future ...

A short video from YouTube for friends who enjoy the maritime world ...

The world's first autonomous, zero emission container ship
from KONGSBERG Gruppen -YouTube

A New Shipping Record ...

The photo above was taken for the Associated Press by David Goldman from the Finnish icebreaker MSV Nordica and appears in the Washington Post (July 29, 2017). After 24 days at sea and a journey spanning more than 10,000 kilometers (6,214 miles), the icebreaker has set a new record for the earliest transit of the fabled Northwest Passage. According to the article, "The once-forbidding route through the Arctic, linking the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans, has been opening up sooner and for a longer period each summer due to climate change. Sea ice that foiled famous explorers and blocked the passage to all but the hardiest ships has slowly been melting away in one of the most visible effects of man-made global warming." Read the full article here.

John's Opinion:  Climate change is not a fraud nor is it "fake news." Those who are skeptical usually think governments over-regulate emissions which harm the atmosphere. Further, they believe regulations limit their ability to generate business profits. Sadly, they figure their freedom to pollute the environment is more important than protecting the atmosphere that keeps them alive.


Seattle sunset, July 26th, 8:39 PM
Looking past Magnolia ridge toward the Olympic Mountains
in the distance.
Thanks to Yogi♪♪♪ for hosting Skywatch Friday!

A Postcard for the Weekend
This week's theme:  Anything you wish

From our postcard collection ...

Observation Car on line of D and R G Ry

Back of the unused card
One cent domestic postage!

Thanks to Maria for hosting Postcards for the Weekend where bloggers share some of their collection of postcards according to themes that change each week. For this week's theme, "Anything you wish," we selected one of our railroad history favorites. Probably from 1930s or so, this card shows an open-air observation car coupled to a passenger train about to roll through a scenic area in Colorado. Isn't this a great way to see the scenery?

Closing thought ...
A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. 
     Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.


  1. First,thank you so much for the kind comments left on my blog. It's interesting how blogging can bring people together even if we have never met.That postcard of lunch with Mom is very special.A great set of pictures. The closing thought today is so true.New experiences are not always easy but they do help us to grow.

  2. "Don't miss: On the windshield, passenger side, lower right ... #1."

    What is it? I couldn't quite make it out.

    The autonomous ship...

    The word autonomous kinda freaks me out. Am I the only one here who watches killer robot movies like Terminator? Autonomous is a very bad idea. Or maybe it's good. I don't really know, but that's a big thing to lose control of.

    Next thing they'll think of-- autonomous people. Now that would be scary! ;)

    1. Hi Sandi, In a motorcade the vehicles usually have an assigned order. In this case, Roosevelt was in the first car so it got the #1 card on the windshield. Don't Presidents always ride in the #1 car? I don't really know. Anyway, I deleted my comment about the #1 because it is hard to see in the size of photo I posted. Now, re autonomous people ... aren't those called robots? :-) Some scientists are worried Artificial Intelligence may make them smarter than people! Probably not in the time I've got left though. :-) Thanks for the questions!

  3. Hello, love all the postcards. The shot of you and your mom at lunch is awesome. I would love to visit the Canadian Rockies someday. Love the quote. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  4. Those pictures of the voyage and skies are magnificent!

  5. Another wonderful post filled with memorabilia and memories. And the shipping news and sunset top it all off perfectly. Thanks for the thoughtful quote, too. :-)

  6. I can remember the five cent stamp ...

  7. The open rail passenger cars must have been a thrilling ride. At that time there were few cars and fewer roads. It was one way to experience the mountains.

  8. Nice to travel a bit back in time.
    Nice that you kept the picture of you and your mom.
    Beautiful sunset.

  9. wonderful memories John!
    Royal ship looks Marvelous!
    liked these lovely brochures.
    here too forecast take place in jokes greatly .

    sky watch is magical as always .

  10. That photo of you and your mother is a priceless treasure. I'm so happy that you still have it. When we have a recent photography we don't give that much thought to what it will mean to us 55 years later. Now it's a sweet memory as well as a piece in the puzzle of the history of your family and of the city of Seattle. As always, it has been a lovely visit, as well as a learning experience.
    John, your blog is very special.
    Connie :)

  11. Dangerous wild parsley in endemic in most of our ditches. That's bad for those unaware of it's dangers....:(

  12. Touring Yellowstone in a convertible! :-D

    They must be freezing...

    Love that sunset at the end. Stunning.

    In answer to your question on my blog,, that path is in Vermont where we went for a camping trip. I am 13 hours away, as the crow flies, and I have seen only one dirt road around here. It led from one paved road to another. :) haaha... I live in NC.

  13. I love the vintage post cards and photos! They are part of our history! As to the "new shipping record." I heard two people arguing today about global warming. I just cannot believe that anybody denies that the weather is changing.
    Nice post John!

  14. Good selection this week and a superb sunset

  15. Beautiful scenes in the latter photos bog on website. i like the topic.

  16. I'm amazed by what this world has gone through in the past. What we've witnessed, the changes that we experience. But I'm also astonished to what the future holds.

  17. The space needle. Still on my bucket list. Just dropping by to wish you a wonderful September.

  18. Very nice post, John, beautiful postcards!
    Greetings from Italy!

  19. Nice selection this week John and good sunset

  20. I love wildflowers.
    I remember that 4 cent stamp!!
    Beautiful sunset and it was on my mothers birthday. : )

  21. Amazing photo with your mother. Thanks for the memories.


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....