Saturday, October 7, 2017

Skies, Ships, and More

Sky watch ...
September 22nd  7:02 PM
** Click on any image for a larger view **

Sunbeams on a stormy afternoon
October 6th  5:48 PM
Looking west over Puget Sound

Sunset, September 27th  6:48 PM
Olympic Mountains created some interesting shadows.
Sunset is nearly due west this time of year.

Before sunset, September 29th
Looking west over Elliott Bay Marina
6:35 PM

After sunset, September 29th
6:49 PM

Sunset, October 4th  6:30 PM
Sunset, October 4th  6:32 PM
Olympic Mountains
Washington State Ferry below

Full Hunter's Moon
Near moonset, 6:38 AM October 5th
Looking over Elliott Bay Marina
Olympic Mountains in the distance
Linking up with Skywatch Friday. Hello and Thanks to Yogi for hosting! Check out the link for more interesting sky photos!

Ship watch ...

Emerald Princess
September 24th  5:35 AM
Arriving Seattle for last visit of the season.
USCGC POLAR STAR - Heavy Icebreaker
Heading into Elliott Bay
September 28th  9:12 AM
Fishing Vessels at Pier 91 Seattle WA
Northern Hawk - on the left
Arctic Fjord - on the right
October 4th  3:52 PM

More ...
Rose hips
Rose hips are used for herbal teas, jam, jelly, syrup, rose hip soup,
beverages, pies, bread, wine, and marmalade.
One of the richest plant sources available of Vitamin C.
Snapped in Discovery Park, October 3rd

John's tall grass on the front deck.

Tall grass in fall colors and sunshine.
September 26th
We showed you a different version of this one in our last post.
Here we go again. Just thought this was very cool.
Also, gives me a "critter" for linking up with Saturday's Critters!
Linking up with Saturday's Critters! Hello and Thanks to Eileen for hosting! Check out the link for more interesting critter photos!

Ralugia Eskimo baby
Official Postcard from Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition
1909 - Seattle, Washington

Linking up with Postcards for the Weekend where this week's theme is "children".  Hello and Thanks to Maria for hosting! Check out the link for more interesting postcards!

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Closing thought ...
For peace of mind, resign as general manager of the universe.
     Larry Eisenberg


  1. Rainbow cool!

    I love the quote at the end. Lay your burden down.

  2. Hello John, your sky images are just beautiful. Gorgeous sunset. Seeing the cruise ship reminds me of our Alaska cruise from Seattle, such a fun time. I love the cute dog in the car and the Eskimo Baby looks warm. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  3. Full Hunter's Moon . . . what an amazing photo. I love the reflection in the water . . . John, you out did yourself with this shot. Awesome!

  4. The ice breaker brings back lots of good memories. When I was in the Arctic, the ice breakers called on us every summer. They brought some of our freight.m

  5. I like the closing thought.Too often I try to take control, when I know that all will be well if only I allow God to have the controls.Love the sunset pictures.Also enjoy seeing the various ships. Have a great weekend.

  6. It's aways nice to see your smiling "face" here in my news feed, John. I love all your pictures, but especially the critters. :-)

  7. That baby looks very cozy and warm inside the blanket! Thanks so much for sharing and welcome back to Bloggers.

  8. You always get me with your skies. Gor-jus.

  9. amazing skies! and interesting about the ship watch and the nature watch :)

  10. You take stunning photos and such a good eye for detail. Greetings.

  11. Thank you for the wonderful photos.

  12. You sure captured some beautiful sky pictures.

  13. Hello, I found you at another blog :-)
    Love your Sunset photo .

    Renee over @

  14. That postcard is surprising.
    And among the other pictures, that one with the grass is really beautiful.

  15. These sky shots are ENCHANTING!!!

    thank you for facilitating to enlarge the image ,loved each view so much !

    wooden ship is MARVELOUS!

    Rosehips are not familiar but very pretty!

    special thanx for sky pics John!

  16. Always a great time of year for stunning skies. I'd like the Eskimo costume to snuggle into in the coming winter.

  17. Good Evening John, Thank you for stopping by ,and for all the kind words...
    As a Daughter of our Heavenly Father I feel it is my responsibility to Spread his words.
    I hope you come back over soon :-)


  18. Your blog is such a treasure trove, John! My husband and I are moved by your beautiful photographs! Your subjects are so well framed, in what your eye & therefore your lens captures. These photos are peaceful and awe inspiring! The quality of each photo in the crispness, the color, composition and light, is a pleasure to the eye! I tried to pick a favorite, but appreciate so many of them for different reasons. Why choose a favorite when we can enjoy it all? I suppose one of the most outstanding joys which you are sharing here with so many, is your gift of capturing light and its reflections! I love the sunbeams! You capture so well the sun's life giving yellows and golds with the rising and setting of the sun as seen straight on, if we but take the time to look and see. The locations you've chosen show them to their best advantage! However, the soul inspiring and quieting moments are often the more strongly felt when the sun is shining through the clouds ('Before Sunset') where one sees the warmth within it's colors. Seemingly in contrast, but not really in essence are the those 'Sky photos" such as 'Sunbeams on a Stormy Night,' where there seems to be barely any color at all. We know the sun is there, because the light is still there, seen in a different way but still present. Is that rough waters beside the still? Your capturing of the points of brightness in the dark but still waters is so complete, so real and promising! This is the reality and beauty of life, isn't it though? Thank you for your beautiful and meaningful work.


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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