Thursday, March 22, 2018

Thank You Granny!

Welcome to John's Island

Recently, I've been reading through some of my Grandmother's journals in which she recorded her daily life. Here is her Yearbook for 1958, 60 years ago. She kept these journals for more than 20 years.

Can you imagine my surprise when I looked at March 22, 1958 (60 years ago today!) ...

I was 10 years old at the time and she took me on my first ride on a train, the Texas Eagle. The departure was about an hour late but that didn't bother me a bit.

She even kept the tickets. Mine was half fare, $2.84.

This little trip from Fort Worth to Ranger, Texas, and back started my life-long fascination with trains. When people have asked me about my love of trains I've told them about this trip with Granny, but what an amazing surprise it was to find her record of the event and even the tickets. So, today I'm linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday on her blog It's A Small Town Life. I know Granny is up there and I hope she sees this! And thanks to Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday!

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. This is just so sweet, John. And now I know where your love of trains began. Thanks to your granny, indeed. She has reached the lives of many through your posts about trains. :-)

  2. What a wonderful memory of your Grandmother! I imagine there are other treasures to be found in her yearbooks
    Have a great day!

  3. Hello, what a great memory of your Grandmother and first train ride. The journal and tickets are wonderful memorabilia. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  4. Now that is a great memento of your trip on the train. Least your train tickets are worth keeping

  5. Oh my goodness! What a special treasure to come upon on this day.

  6. What a treasure to have this!

    I imagine her up there looking at this and thinking, "What in the world is a blog?"


    "When people have asked me about my love of trains I've told them about this trip with Granny, but what an amazing surprise it was to find her record of the event and even the tickets."

    OH! She loved it too.

  7. John, this is wonderful. What a treasure to have and that your grandmother started your love for trains. Thank you for linking this up today.

  8. Your Granny was a a great mentor. Bonus that the evidence is still here.

  9. How lovely to be able to read her journals!

  10. What a lovely post about trains and your granny.
    I just threw away all my journals. I've kept a journal for years and years and stopped when I started blogging.

  11. Hello John, what a great memory of your Grandmother. A nice and interesting post indeed.
    Many greetings from Turin!

  12. Wow! You know I've thought that before too. But I'm just cringing when I read some of my past journal entries that I don't know if it's worth passing on to my future grandkids. Well they have my blog (if the internet wont take it down). It's more filtered. Lol

    That's so cute.

  13. Wow this is very joyful and touching story dear John!

    reading old personal journals is strangely beautiful thing for me but reading from loved one who loved you so much and took you to you very first train trip is AMAZING and exciting experience for sure :)

    how wise and sweet of her keep the tickets too this is something my (late) mom used to do for years ,why ? i don't know.

  14. That is all so amazing John! Thanks for including the full page, it was very cool being able to read it.
    It's one things to have great old memories like this, but to also have items relating to it is amazing.

    My granny also had a bunch of journals from her life. Unfortunately, nobody knows what happened to them.


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