Monday, December 31, 2018

Goodbye 2018

Screen Capture - First Post
December 28, 2010

Eight years ago, on December 28, 2010, I published the first post on John's Island. Blogging friends, do you ever go back and look at your first post? Perhaps I'm just easily entertained, but honestly, I find it fascinating to be able to so easily go back and look at what's happened over 8 years in a (fairly) organized way. Without really intending to do so I think I've organized my photography and life events in a way that has exceeded my expectations back at the start. Several of you out there have been with me for a long time and I thank you for all your supportive comments.

2018 Reflections

IMO Best Photo of Year not Previously Shared
Grand Tetons at Sunrise
Series of photos combined for Panorama
July 12  5:00 AM
Taken from Jackson Lake Lodge, Wyoming
[Click on images for a larger view]

January 3rd
Colorful sunset to start the year.
4:24 PM

January 11th
Watching ships come and go all year long
at Seattle, Washington, USA

April 20th
Bulk carrier at anchor before sunrise.
4:25 AM

May 3rd
Visit to Alcatraz
Hard to find a better word than "amazing"
10:44 AM

May 14th
Great Falls of the Yellowstone
Great visit to YNP before the crowds arrived!

May 20th
Flowers blooming everywhere.
Love flower pictures!

May 27th
Glad I'm an early riser on mornings like this.
Moonset over Puget Sound
4:38 AM

June 9th
Watched Justify win the 150th running of the Belmont Stakes --
Can't forget this moment.
Bringing the horses to the paddock.
Look at the crowd in this screen shot.
No, they are not saluting ... they are holding up their
phones to video the event.
Gotta luv it!

June 16th
Won't forget the little kid's face.
Enjoyed the Magnolia Farmer's Market all summer.
July 27th
Watched cruise ships come and go all summer.
This one is Royal Caribbean's
Explorer of the Seas
with full moon above
5:28  AM

Aug 7th
Loved seeing arrival of Peace Boat
despite the orange light from smoke filtered sun.
6:12  AM

August 9th
Wildfires are choaking Seattle and the Northwest
Sun setting into Olympic Mountains  8:16  PM

October 11th
Clear air is back!
Colorful sunset  6:21 PM

October 17th
Visiting Vancouver, BC
Gorgeous fall afternoon.
Vancouver Harbour
12:18 PM
(Yes, Vancouver is more beautiful than Seattle!)

October 23rd
Visiting San Francisco and stopping at famous
Boudin Bakery to snap this pic.
Can you believe this critter?

December 30th
Last sky photo for this year.
Storm yesterday left fresh snow on the Olympics.
Beautiful view  with clouds in valleys.
Looking west over Puget Sound.
Thank you for stopping by John's Island. See you next year!


  1. Hello, John, beautiful images and congrats on your blog's anniversary. The Teton's photo is gorgeous. I wish you and your family all the best in 2019, a very Happy & healthy New Year!

  2. :)

    May 3rd looks like you got in a little trouble mid-picturing taking...

    "Without really intending to do so I think I've organized my photography and life events in a way that has exceeded my expectations back at the start."

    When my Dad was organizing old family records and the few photos he had of his grandparents and other relatives he was really struck by how many people for whom he had only a birthdate and date of departure. Our people in the next decades will have our words! Your great-great-great grandkids will read this comment. Ok, no pressure or anything!

  3. I have found my ten years of blogging as a perfect way to go back and see just when something or other happened, and pictures as well. Congratulations on your blogaversary, John, and keep 'em coming. Your pictures are among the best and I enjoy them whenever you share them. Love the retrospective of 2018. :-)

  4. Great look at your past year.Excellent photography makes for a good way to show your year. I haven't gone back and looked at the beginnings of my blog. Sounds like a good idea. I started my blog in 2008.

  5. Thank you John for visiting my Blog. You don't do so more often. Let us resolve in 2019 to visit each other more often.

    Wishing you all the best for 2019.

    God bless.

  6. I take my hat off you you John doing a 2018 reflection, it's not something I do with the daily photo but I do with the Church Explorer but then it's only published once a week. Have a happy New Year and all the best for 2019

  7. Amazing pictures.John, I started blogging just a short time before you did.My first post was on September 1,2008. I am thankful that our paths have crossed here in blogland. Happy New year.

  8. The best to you too, dear friend. May 2019 be a year filled with good health, beautiful sunsets and great adventures.
    Connie :)

  9. Hi JOHN,
    Superb choice of Photos - your a real Master at it- well done! HAPPY NEW YEAR - may 2019 be an excellent year for you. Cheers. KEV.

  10. I'll be having my 10th Blogoversary in a couple of days... I do actually often use my blog to go back and remember things now - and it amazes me how many friends around the world it has also given me over the years.
    Happy New Year!

  11. Great sequence of images, John.
    Happy New Year!

  12. Yes, once in a while I go back to read over old posts too.
    Congratulations on your blog anniversary.


Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....