Saturday, July 13, 2019

Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On

Jerry Lee Lewis got it right ...

A 4.6 earthquake hit Seattle on July 12th and there was a whole lotta shakin' goin' on for 25 or 30 seconds.

Search results for "earthquake seattle" shortly after the quake.
Later revised to 4.6.
No damage here.
Time of major quake = 2:51 AM
July 12, 2019
Snaps from Recent Walks
My walks continue but streak is broken. The streak started on February 26 and I walked 3 miles or more every day through July 4th. >> 129 days <<  No walk on July 5 but back at it on the 6th.

Sunrise at Green Lake, Seattle, WA
July 12, 2019  5:41 AM

Lots of geese and goslings
at Green Lake, July 6, 2109  7:13 AM

Whole bunch of goslings!
Cozy spot for the one in the center?

Seriously at work ... Great Blue Heron
at Green Lake

July 12, 2019  6:13 AM
Special note: Congratulations to Eileen on her 10th Blog Anniversary. She hosts Saturday's Critters every weekend. Check out her excellent blog.

Steller's Jay
at Green Lake, Seattle
July 8, 2019  7:16 AM

at Green Lake, Seattle
July 6, 2019

Morning sky at Green Lake, Seattle, WA
July 6, 2019  7:40 AM
Linking up with more skywatchers at
Skywatch Friday
Thanks, Yogi, for hosting!

Seattle and Mt Rainier on a pretty morning
from Kerry Park

July 9, 2019  5:33 AM

Maritime Snaps
Taken from home ...

Freighters pass in early morning light.
Puget Sound, near Seattle, Washington

July 11, 2019  4:58 AM

US Coast Guard Cutter Healy
July 10, 2019 4:00 PM
Entering Elliott Bay, Seattle, WA
In the background ...
Alki Beach, West Seattle
Vashon Island
Colvos Passage


  1. That Steller's Jay sure is eye catching! I've never seen one of them...I've only visited that part of the country once in my life. Love the babies too! Good job walking so many times. I know feel great doing that! I tried to start the year walking every day but had to cut back. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I wondered if you felt the earthquake. Glad to know everything and everyone was ok.

    Love the gosling ball of fluff photo.

  3. Hello John! I always enjoy visiting your blog, thanks for the mention of my blog. Gorgeous sunrise capture! Is it weird to see the raccoon out in the daylight? Love the heron and cute goslings. The Stellar Jay is a handsome bird, I like their colors. Awesome views of Seattle, the Sound and the Bay. My niece living in Snoqualmie said her daughter woke up screaming about her bed shaking from the earthquake. Thank you for linking up your post today. Thanks also for all your visits and past comments! Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend.

  4. You rise even earlier than I do, John. I usually wake up around 5:00am but you're already busy taking pictures. So you missed a day, but picked up again so that you can continue to reap the benefits from your walks. I am laid up myself right now, so most movements are a bit painful, but I'm trying to heal as fast as I can. :-)

  5. You only missed one day of walking in your streak? That is fantastic! One day is nothing-it is when the days string together into weeks of not walking/exercising/dieting (whatever a person is doing) that it is discouraging.

    Loved all your pictures (as usual). Have a blessed weekend. Diana

  6. Do you think it is connected to the recent two in California?

  7. Those goslings are so cute, but my favorite photo from this group is the freighters in early morning light.

  8. ...I live in a boring area, not earthquakes, mudslides, forest fires, just an occasional snowstorm. Keep rocking and rolling!

  9. I love that sunrise shot and then the Seatle skyline and Mt. Ranier,is spectacular.

  10. Great look at some parts of Seattle.

  11. What wonderful photos! I have lots of friends in Washington State who felt that quake too. That must have been an adventure!

  12. Kudos to you for being so faithful in your daily walks. That is quite a commitment. I love the shots of the Coast Guard Cutter, the freighter, and the Space Needle.
    I hope you had a good weekend.

  13. Washington State is pretty far north of San Diego! some great shots.

  14. Oohh, I love the photo of Seattle in the beeautiful morning light with Mt. Rainier in the background! There seem to be a lot more baby ducks and geese this year than in previous years. Good for you with all your wwalking, John! Bravo! I've watched the earthquake maps for many years (just because I find it interesting). Since about 2007, Kansas has had its share of earthquakes... the quakiest (haha?) were 6.9M and 6.8M, both within minutes of the other, I think sometime in 2016 or 2017. Most are anywhere from 2.5-4.0 and happen every couple days or so. Some of it "they say" is due to previous fracking in Oklahoma.

  15. Beautiful photos.

  16. Earthquakes must be so scary … I wonder if it was connected to the ones in California!

    Well done on your walking and thanks again for your lovely photographs, I do enjoy seeing them.

    All the best Jan

  17. John your Blue Jay surprised me, I haven't seen one since my childhood days in Indiana. I wonder why we don't have them here, if you have them in Seattle . . . could it be our lack of humidity? As always great photos.

  18. i am sorry about earthquake dear John ,this is grace of Lord that degree of it was not higher and so destructive

    your images are always powerful and intriguing :)

    the water is serene ,trails are beautiful and goslings are absolutely cute

    sky glimpse are APPEALING

  19. What a beautiful sunrise and I love the skyline shot. A whole lot of shakin down here too, with the July 4 and 5 quakes. I wonder if somehow they are related??

  20. That blue jay is amazing! We don't have them like that here. Ours are blue and white.

    Thank you for your kind comment on my vampire story! :)

  21. a 129 day walking streak is quite impressive! Nice snaps.

  22. Love your pictures evey time. What a nice bird is the Steller's Jay!


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....