Thursday, July 4, 2019

Recent Walks through July 4th

Snaps from Recent Walks

As it looked at the start of my last few walks ...

July 1, 2019
At Green Lake, Seattle
(My favorite pic from recent days.)
Great Blue Heron on the dock just after sunrise.
July 4, 2019 **Today**
At Green Lake, Seattle
Overcast but dry.

Thankful for the USA, all our freedoms, and
so much more!
Linking up with Thankful Thursday
and thanks to Michelle for hosting!
July 3, 2019
At Green Lake, Seattle
Hazy, misty, almost raining.

July 2, 2019
Neighborhood Walk
View from Kerry Park
Seattle, WA

June 30, 2019
At Green Lake, Seattle
Linking up with the sky watchers at Skywatch Friday
Thanks, Yogi, for hosting!

June 29, 2019
At Green Lake, Seattle
More pics from recent walks ...

At Green Lake, Seattle
Great Blue Heron

At Green Lake, Seattle
Mallard duck family

At Green Lake, Seattle

At Green Lake, Seattle
Yet another duck family at rest.

At Green Lake, Seattle
Zoomed out from pic above.

At Green Lake, Seattle
Good to see Mr. Turtle was out for some sunshine.
June 30th

At Green Lake, Seattle
Learning from Mom?

At Green Lake, Seattle

At Green Lake, Seattle
A pretty day to be on the lake.
Tuesday, July 2, raining all day and I put off going to Green Lake.
Finally decided to walk the neighborhood about 4 PM.
Neat to see these young folks getting wedding pics done
despite the rain. This is at Kerry Park, well known Seattle overlook.

At Green Lake, Seattle
Preparations underway for the
annual "Swim Across Green Lake"
Large orange floats will be used to
mark a swimmer only zone.


  1. I love that first shot of the heron at sunrise. WOW!

  2. Some wonderful photos here, John. Have a happy 4th!

  3. Wow, John, as usual some great shots, although my favorite is definitely the Heron at Sunrise picture. Happy Fourth to you and yours! :-)

  4. I remember having brunch at Salty's on Ali Beach with my grade school classmate and while she was taking photos of me by the bay, a family of ducks just passed by, just like on your photos! They were very cute :) I miss Seattle!

  5. nice that the heron cooperated for the sunrise shot! That sure is an iconic shot of Seattle. I hope that you are enjoying the 4th.

  6. Hello John, another wonderful collection of photographs for us to enjoy. Always nice to see the ducks and ducklings, they are so cute … but your first photograph is stunning.

    Happy 4th July.

    All the best Jan

  7. Such wonderful photos, John. How I wish we had turtles to photograph!

    You asked if I’d written any books. I am late to writing and find it interesting enough to keep a blog going. However, I have two stories I want to tell, based loosely on family history. I have them both started but don’t know if I will ever finish them.

    You asked about the monarchs on PEI. There were many here in the summers years ago. Individuals and conservation groups are making concerted efforts to bring them back to the island again and they are returning, more every year. They do return to Mexico every autumn.

  8. That first shot is frame-worthy! So gorgeous, John. I also love seeing those ducklings. Thank you for linking up and I hope you have a great 4th!

  9. You don't seem to stick to a strict routine. What on earth were you doing to start your walk at 4 AM?

  10. What a beautiful place and I love all the photos, especially the ducks and Sunrise. Such a shame it rained on that couples wedding day, that would have made a wonderful background

  11. Hi John- spectacular photos there upon your travels..things must be hotting up there in Seattle...we're in the grip of Winter with zero overnight temps and fairly cool through the day...some rain about, but not enough to replenish our reservoirs. Cheers. KEV.

  12. I love that you document your walks...I do too! I can't get over your nice temps. It was 80 degrees when I got up this morning so I didn't go for a hike. Our hikes will be few and far between this month. Love that first should have it printed and framed! Enjoy your day and your cool weather!

  13. John, you don't know how refreshing it is to visit your blog. Seattle is a beautiful city and after watching the film "Seattle is Dying" my heart was broken for this wonderful city. Your photos bring hope, I wish all the people of your city could see them and be renewed and energized to work out a plan.
    You should be the poster boy for city pride.

  14. That is a beautiful spot for a wedding photo. I hope their lives are as beautiful always as they are at the moment the photo was taken. My favorite? Mama and baby on the log! So very sweet. xo Diana

  15. Hi John!

    Jag gillar dina bilder med en trevlig blandning av natur och närhet till den stora staden Seattle. Men ibland sticker en bild ut som är högst charmerande, den första bilden med hägern och soluppgång - otroligt vackert.

    Bästa hälsningar

    1. Hi Gunilla, I love your comment. Thank you so much! For my friends who don't know Swedish, let me post the translation via Google ... I like your photos with a nice mix of nature and proximity to the big city of Seattle. But sometimes a picture sticks out which is highly charming, the first picture with the heron and sunrise - incredibly beautiful.

      Best regards


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....