Friday, June 28, 2019

June Walks 23rd -> 28th

Daily walks around Green Lake in Seattle, Washington

Following are photos snapped after parking the car at Green Lake and ready to start the appx. 3-mile walk around the lake. Click on images for larger view.

June 23 - 24
#walk118 - #walk119
At Green Lake, Seattle

June 25 - 26
#walk120 - #walk121
At Green Lake, Seattle

June 27 - 28
#walk122 - #walk123
At Green Lake, Seattle
Weather Report:  Dry, except June 23 raining. Comfortable temps for walking. All walks early mornings, except Tuesday started at 12:40 pm.

Linking up with sky watchers at Skywatch Friday.  Thanks to Yogi♪♪♪ for hosting.

A few more snaps from the last few days at Green Lake ...

Bald Eagle - June 27th
At Green Lake, Seattle

Bald Eagle - June 27th
At Green Lake, Seattle

Doesn't this eagle look serious?

Starting point for most walks, looking northwest.
At Green Lake, Seattle

Mallard duck family.

Goslings at rest.

One cute gosling!

Can't believe the Cottonwood trees!

A good way to go fishing.
At Green Lake, Seattle

Can't believe the Nymphaeaceae
aka water lilies 😉
at Green Lake, Seattle

Canada Geese and some older goslings.


  1. Outstanding shot of Bald Eagle. And you seem to have a very good walking route there on the lake.
    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Great photos of the eagle. Love the ducklings too. The goslings are getting big. They grow up so fast these days! It is a great place to walk!

  3. has been years since i saw an eagle, geese on the other hand are a daily affair!

  4. With all the good stuff to see it's always interesting to walk around Green Lake.

  5. Such beautiful skies, and I love those shots of the goslings! Have a great weekend.

  6. Isn't it amazing how a place can look so different from day to day depending on the weather and all? Such beauty! I will enjoy that lovely cottonwood tree from afar... I have allergies to those threes. Blessings!

  7. The starting point picture is gorgeous. Oh my! Those Cottonwoods look unusual with all that fluff.Thanks for your visit to my blog and for leaving encouraging comments.

  8. Hi John!
    HÀftigt med bomullstrÀdet, har aldrig sett ett sÄdant för hÀr vÀxer de inte. Konstigt förresten, vÄrt klimat borde inte vara sÀrskilt annorlunda.
    Och dÀr fick du en riktig superbild av The Bald Eagle, en imponerande fÄgel i sin utstrÄlning.

  9. Gorgeous! And those eagles - wow!

  10. Hi John-well done on getting great photos of the Eagle. Green Lake is certainly bursting with nature. Best Wishes.KEV.

  11. Hello John, beautiful views of the lake and sky. Awesome capture of the eagle. I love the cute goslings and ducklings. The little ones are adorable. The water lilies are a lovely sight. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  12. Ah, it's so nice to go walking with you. I'm glad to see the goslings are still doing well. Such a cute picture of that sleepyhead. :-)

  13. John, how grand that you were able to get such wonderful shot of the eagle . . . we have a couple flying around here that we see from time to time, but haven't been able to get a good shot of them. I love the waterlilies on the lake . . . they are beautiful and create a pleasureful feeling in my heart. I have memories of rowing out among them from my childhood days back in Indiana :)

  14. Great photos of the Eagle and ducks John, really like seeing those. My son is off to Seattle in September to visit a few friends there. I'll tell him to visit green lake

  15. Those goslings are so sweet. My son has one of those fishing kayaks and loves it.

  16. Sure is a great place for walking and taking pictures.
    Enjoyed them all.
    Great capture of the Eagle.

  17. Great pictures, John! Especially the one of the bald eagle. In the house we just sold they were all over our area. The place right next door to us was named The Eagle's Nest. They are just majestic birds! Sweet little goslings, too. Have a blessed Sunday- Diana

  18. Thanks,John,for leaving me a comment about my grandgirl. She's a keeper. She was able to spend her break with me today...but I paid for my coffee. lol


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