Saturday, June 1, 2019

June 1 at Green Lake

It's June Again!

Snaps from today's walk around Green Lake

Gaggle of Geese Greeting
at the start of today's walk.
Actually, it turned out to be all about the geese!
June 1, 2019  5:51 AM
Today is Saturday so be sure to check out Eileen's excellent Saturday's Critters.

Not far into the walk ... First goose family spotted
Two litte goslings.
At Green Lake, June 1
More pics below ...
If this is your first visit to John's Island here is the deal ... My 2019 resolution is to get out for a long walk as many days as possible. I live in Seattle, Washington, in a densely populated neighborhood near downtown. The best place I've found for a good walk, about 3 miles, without dealing with cars and/or traffic, is at nearby Green Lake Park. A paved walkway circles the lake and there are all sorts of attractions and curiosities. I especially enjoy walking in the early morning when I am often one of the few on the path and it is quite peaceful. I especially enjoy spotting various kinds of wildlife. The humans are often somewhat wild as well. I settled on my 2019 resolution in January and completed my first walk around the lake on January 26th. In February I walked 21 days and during one of those walks I came up with the idea to start taking photos and sharing them here on this blog, John's Island, which I created in 2010. So, that's the story. Thanks for stopping by. If you have questions or wish to provide some encouragement please leave me a comment. I will try to answer your questions in a future post. Lastly, just let me say THANK YOU to a group of my most loyal followers who left me comments every single day in March when I was trying to turn this walk into a habit. Your support has proven to me that there is something to be gained by blogging. 😊

At Green Lake, June 1

Just the goslings ... a few days old
At Green Lake, June 1

At Green Lake, June 1

About 1/2 way around the lake ... Second goose family.
6 goslings ... maybe their first day.
At Green Lake, June 1

At Green Lake, June 1

Dad arrived.
At Green Lake, June 1

At Green Lake, June 1

At Green Lake, June 1
Hard to see in the photo but 1 of the 6 is
under all the others.


  1. you have an abundant supply of geese too!

  2. Happy wishes for the month of June John.
    This is such a lovely post, I always enjoy your photographs, but the cute goslings are the stars today.

    Enjoy your weekend, and keep on walking.

    All the best Jan

  3. Hello, your daily walks are an inspiration to all of us. Kudos for getting out there every day. You did see a lot of geese, as a species they seem to be doing well everywhere. I love the cute goslings, they grow so quickly. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend. PS, thank you for the comment on my blog.

  4. Good for you . . . I am inspired by your morning walks. Got up and took a hour and a half walk myself this morning :)

  5. The geese family photos are priceless. Love them!

  6. I am so glad to visit Green Lake with you every day, John. And you are coming up on another milestone quite soon, I see. (100) :-)

  7. Congrats on the walk commitment. You are doing great. I went back to work full time-after retiring 8 years ago...and gave a 2 year commitment. After that- I hope to take up a regularly scheduled exercise of some sort. Right now-between work, household, hubby and grandkids I just don't make the time for myself. Crazy!

    Aren't those baby ducklings the cutest things ever? We have a wildlife sanctuary here that I pass by every day of life and I bet we have well over 100 babies there right now--and by next week they won't look like babies anymore.

  8. Oh those little ones are so cute.
    I am so glad you enjoy walking. All it takes is to get in the habit and it will be a lifelong joy.

  9. Love these pictures. Those goslings are just the cutest little things. I have to agree with you that there is something to be gained by blogging. When I think of shutting down my blog, someone leaves me a wonderful comment and it gives me the renewed desire to keep on. Thanks John for being that someone on many days.

  10. Hello. What a lovely serie of photos. Have a nice Sunday.

  11. Hi John. Well done on the photos of the Geese this morning- we havn't anything like this here...Green Lake is sure full of life. Regards. KEV.

  12. Just found your blog via another that I read. Good for you making your lake walk a habit! And it's so much more fun when you add photography! I'll be coming back to visit, so I expect to see more! Blessings to you!

  13. It seems like Canada Geese are everywhere and can sometimes be a nuisance, but oh those goslings - so cute!
    Have a great week!


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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