Saturday, June 22, 2019

A Week of June Walks - 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Snaps from last few daily walks ...

June 22 - Saturday - Coyote!

Today's walk highlight -- Coyote
A moment when I wish I had one of those big cameras with
super-fast lens. This coyote wasn't going to stand still for a perfect shot.
This was a first for me at Green Lake.
Saturday, June 22, 2019

The coyote again.
This spotting was near the end of today's walk.
I never expected to see a coyote in this highly urbanized area.
June 22nd

First snap today.
Cloudy, 57F (14C), no wind, dry.
At Green Lake, June 22, 2019  6:03 AM
Great walk weather!

Mallard family
At Green Lake, June 22nd

Closer look at the little ones
Green Lake, June 22nd

Yet another Mallard family nearby the ones in the snaps above.
At Green Lake, June 22nd

Looking across the lake for a last snap today.
Green Lake, Seattle, Washington
June 22, 2019
June 21 - Friday - #walk116* - Summer Solstice

The summer solstice occurred in Seattle, June 21, 2019, at 8:54 AM PDT. From that moment onward we are leaving the longest day of the year behind and heading toward the winter solstice, shortest day of the year, December 21, 2019. Daylight is calculated as the time between sunrise and sunset. On June 21 daylight in Seattle was 15 hours 59 minutes. On December 21 it will be 8 hours 25 minutes. Another way to look at this --- June 21 --- has the shortest night of the year.

*The #walk116 refers to this being my 116th walk of about 3 miles every day without missing a day. I started this streak of daily walks on February 26. Most walks have been around the lake at Green Lake Park, Seattle, WA, USA.

At the start of the walk a media guy with video camera set up
at the lake. My guess ... to catch sunrise, at Green Lake,

 on summer solstice.
Sadly, too cloudy to be successful.
At Green Lake, Seattle, WA
June 21, 2019  5:43 AM

Geese on the go.
At Green Lake, June 21st

June 20 - Thursday - #walk115

How it looked at the start of today's walk at Green Lake.
52F (11C) almost zero wind, mostly cloudy.
June 20, 2019  5:57 AM

Rowing in the "steam"
June 20 at Green Lake

Looking toward Duck Island
at Green Lake
June 20th
Reflections:  I'm surprising myself with this streak of daily walks. Today, June 20, is my 115th walk without missing a day. The streak started on February 26th and doesn't include 5 walks in January and 18 walks in February before I resolved to see far I could go without missing a day. Lately I've been tempted to stay at home and relax with another cup of coffee. What could it hurt? Well, I'm overall feeling better than I have since 2014 when I was doing a regular walk. And, now, I'm thinking taking a day off now and then might even be beneficial. Although the streak is still going, some things here on the blog are changing. In March, April, and May I posted almost every day with pictures from the walks. I'm still taking at least one picture for every walk but I am reducing the frequency of posting those pics. It has been interesting to watch Spring unfold at Green Lake. Summer begins tomorrow, June 21.

Haven't seen a heron for days!
Finally, spotted this one, this morning.
At Green Lake, June 20th
It seemed almost like she/he was waiting
for me to show up and snap the picture.
To see a neat blog post about Great Egrets,
 check out Saturday's Critters. Great Egrets look 
like Great Blue Herons except for the coloring.

Zoomed out to give you the larger scene.
Great Blue Heron at Green Lake
June 20th

Last snap this morning.
Some parts of the lake like a mirror.
June 20, 2019 at Green Lake
June 19 - Wednesday - #walk114

One snap for June 19th at Green Lake
A mostly cloudy morning.

June 18 - Tuesday - #walk113

Neighborhood walk today.
These flowers stopped me.
Today's walk in Magnolia neighborhood, Seattle.
2.97 miles
June 18, 2019  3:25 PM

June 17 - Monday - #walk112

One snap at the start of my walk ... June 17, 2019
At Green Lake, Seattle, WA
5:41 AM

June 16 - Sunday - #walk113

Beautiful, mostly sunny skies, at the start of the walk, June 16, 2019
At Green Lake, Seattle, WA
6:10 AM

At Green Lake
June 16th

Geese and goslings
at Green Lake
June 16, 2019

Closer look at the goslings.
June 16th at Green Lake

I'm amazed at the amount of cover due to the
cottonwood tree seeds.
June 16th at Green Lake
Wondering what the chances are for just ONE germination?

"cotton" from cottonwood trees
at Green Lake, June 16th

Mallard family
at Green Lake
June 16th

Last snap at the end of the walk.
June 16th at Green Lake

Just 5 days until Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere
and the sun is about as far north on the western horizon
as it will get. Here is sunset on June 16th from home.
Sun gets close, but not quite, to the water tank on
the western horizon hillside.
To see more walks check out the "Blog Archive" ----->


  1. Hello, John! Kudos and congrats to you on your walking. I am glad you are feeling healthier from your walks, that is a great incentive. The lake views are beautiful. I love all the ducks, geese and your heron photos. Lovely capture of the sunset. Thank so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for the comment on my blog.

  2. You are enjoying your walks and getting lots of great photos to share. How neat to see the baby geese and that beautiful Heron. The coyote is a bit scary to see but looks like he is on the move! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. ...nice walks in your nature preserve!

  4. The coyote and the ducklings were fascinating. I see lots of mating pairs of ducks but never the ducklings.

  5. More wonderful photos during your walks. Nice capture of the coyote if even if it was blurry. At least you got a picture!
    Good for you for walking all those days in a row. A great accomplishment.

  6. These pictures are such a wonderful way to document your daily walks. It is fascinating to see the area change as the seasons progress. We have had lawns turn white from the cotton wood seeds.They do become somewhat of a nuisance.

  7. I don't think you want to break your routine. I find that once the routine is broken that I can make up lame excuses not to continue walking or cycling.

  8. Hello John!

    Förutom en förbättrad hälsa får du många upplevelser på dina promenader. Häftigt att få syn på en coyote! Det ser ut som om du alltid har vackert väder promenaderna, fina bilder av en vacker miljö runt sjön.

  9. Hi John- great snaps you've taken about Green Lake - hope your well...we're in the grip of Winter now and we've just passed the Solstice...already looking for an Early Spring. Cheers. KEV.

  10. Well done on your walking, and thank you so much for sharing the lovely selection of photographs here with us.
    I always enjoy seeing them :)

    All the best Jan

  11. Wow to the coyote up close! Lovely shots of the sunsets too.


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