Wednesday, June 5, 2019

100 Days - 100 Walks - 300 Miles

I started my daily walks of 3 miles on February 26th and have walked every day since. Today, June 5, 2019, is walk number 100 and the completion of 300 miles, or another way to look at it, I've walked across Washington State and more. I started snapping pictures during my walks on March 1st and have posted on every walk since then right here on John's Island. Of the 100 walks, 97 were around Green Lake in Seattle, Washington, and 3 were in Vancouver, BC. Come along for the last few walks ...

Snaps from last few walks ...

June 5, Wednesday, Walk 100 - #Walked300Miles

At the start of walk #100, overcast, comfortable temp,
crew already at work.
June 5, 2019, at Green Lake  7:00 AM

June 5, 2019, at Green Lake

June 5, 2019, at Green Lake

A light breeze is blowing the "cotton" from the
cottonwood tress and looks like snow falling.
Couldn't get a good snap of the cotton falling
but here is how it collects on the edge of the path.
A most curious way for a tree to spread its seeds.
June 5, 2019, at Green Lake

Today's Gaggle of Geese
June 5, 2019, at Green Lake

June 4, Tuesday, Walk 99

At the start I walked down to the edge of the lake.
Some of the grass at the edge is already up 2 or 3 feet.
Sunny skies and warm.
June 4, 2019 at Green Lake  11:04 AM

Kind of hard to see in the photo but most of the
water lillies have white blooms.
At Green Lake, June 4th

Relaxing in the sun.
At Green Lake, June 4th

A day for a swim.
At Green Lake, June 4th

Family fun.
At Green Lake, June 4th

Mallard Teenagers (well, sort of)
Note how they have changed colors.
At Green Lake, June 4th

Yellow Flag Iris
At Green Lake, June 4th

Great day for this too.
At Green Lake, June 4th

Relaxed fishing.
At Green Lake, June 4th

June 3, Monday, Walk 98

Cloudy at the start today at Green Lake
June 3, 2019  5:40 AM

Geese Families
See closer pic below

On the right ... a gosling has just changed colors
On the left ... newer goslings
At Green Lake, June 3rd

One ...
At Green Lake, June 3rd

Several ...
At Green Lake, June 3rd

June 2, Sunday, Walk 97

At the start of today's walk at Green Lake
Clear skies.
At Green Lake, Seattle, WA  June 2, 2019  6:39 AM

Sunday Morning at Green Lake
June 2, 2019
Check the Blog Archives [over to your right >>>] for every walk back to March 1st.


  1. Isn't it amazing how short the distance is when we just keep walking?

  2. That is amazing John! Well done!!

  3. Congratulations on your 100 walks, John. And 300 miles, too! Love the pictures, especially the geese gaggle and the goslings. :-)

  4. Hello, looks like you and everyone are out enjoying the lake, the swimmers, rowers and all the geese and ducks. Congrats on 100 walks and 300 miles. That is awesome. Wonderful series of photos. Wishing you a happy day!

  5. Such beautiful weather. I never tire of the photos of that beautiful setting. You are fortunate to have such a place to walk.

  6. Thanks for these invitations to join you on the walks. The scenery along the path is delightful.

  7. Good for you for keeping on walking!! A great accomplishment.
    So many beautiful photos. Can't even pick a favorite!

  8. I'm sure these photos bring back all of the walk in vivid detail.

  9. Good for you!! You did it! What beautiful scenes these last few days, everyone – including fowl families – enjoying the days! Since I just found your blog a few days ago, I'm still catching up. But what an accomplishment for you! Yay!

  10. Wow, John! that is a lot of walking and taking the pictures just adds to the enjoyment for you AND for us. Congrats on keeping at it. 100 walks! WOW!!!

  11. Hello John!

    Fina naturbilder igen, fågelungarna växer snabbt vilket syns tydligt på dina bilder.

    En intressant bild är det vita luddet på marken. Vi har nämligen också råkat ut för det, under en hel vecka snöade det frön från asp (Popolus) som såg exakt likadant ut som på din bild. Det tråkiga är att fröna gror precis överallt. Har aldrig upplevt något liknande förut.

    Keep on walking!

  12. I'm sitting here giving you a big clap … well done :)
    100 Days - 100 Walks - 300 Miles you've done a nice lot of walking and although I'm fairly new to visiting your blog, I always enjoy my visits and seeing your photographs.

    Keep on walking and keep on taking photographs.
    My very good wishes.

    All the best Jan


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....