Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June 9, 10, 11, and 12 Walks

Snaps from Recent Walks

June 12 - Today at Green Lake

Snapped at the start of today's walk.
Green Lake, Seattle, WA  June 12, 2019  5:38 AM
Today is my 107th walk without missing a day.  :-)
To those who leave me comments:  Thank you. If you leave me a question I will try to answer it here on a future post.

It seems like I see more little goslings with every new walk.
The bright yellow tells me they are very new.
At Green Lake, Seattle
June 12th

More goslings ... notice the difference in color.
My observations tell me the color slowly begins to change almost immediately
and is very noticeable after about 3 weeks.
At Green Lake, Seattle
June 12th

A trio of goslings!
At Green Lake, Seattle
June 12th

Wispy clouds above made for an interesting sky this morning.
At Green Lake, Seattle
June 12th

At the end of today's walk.
Unusual clouds!
I believe these are called Cirrus Clouds
June 11 - At Green Lake

Late start, as usual, on Tuesdays.
***Blue skies and warm today.***
At Green Lake, Seattle
June 11, 2019  11:21 AM

At Green Lake, Seattle
Finally warm enough for this to look fun.
June 11th

Giant patches of waterlilies with white blooms.
At Green Lake, June 11th
June 10 - At Green Lake

Unusual sunrise this morning.
Thought it was really beautiful.
At Green Lake, June 10, 2019  5:41 AM

Before I had gone a few steps I had to stop and snap this.
Can you see the rainbow effect on the left?
Later, at the end of the walk, it had become a circle around the sun.
See next pic.

The "Halo" effect is cool ... I don't see it often.
At Green Lake, June 10th
If you're wondering, here's the link:

I almost skipped this pic but decided to include it anyway.
This snap is through the windshield as I arrived at the lake.
The tree right in front of me ...
One squirrel goes up, one going down.
I don't think they can see each other.
They stopped long enough ... right across from one another ...
for me to snap the picture.
This is squirrelly behavior for sure!  :-)

June 9 - A Walk Around the Neighborhood 

On June 9th it was not possible for me to easily get to Green Lake for my regular walk. Why? Well it was the day for the Rock n Roll Marathon in Seattle. The race course blocked some of the roads I use to get to the Lake, plus, the race course actually went right around Green Lake. :-) So, to avoid the crowds I decided to walk 3 miles in my neighborhood. It was a great morning for a walk ... sunny and mild temps. I snapped the first pic at Kerry Park which is a well-known overlook for Seattle.

Downtown and Mt Rainier from Kerry Park
Sunday morning, June 9, 2019  6:13 AM

Mount Rainier
My pic from Kerry Park, Seattle, June 9th, 6:14 AM

A peace rose I could not resist.
June 9th

A container ship departing Port of Seattle
June 9th

Cruise ships at Pier 91 Cruise Ship Terminal, Seattle
Note the 3 tower cranes ... Expedia's future
Headquarters under construction.
June 9, 2019


  1. Hello, beautiful sunrises and sky images. The rainbow/halo is a pretty sighting. Gorgeous views of Mt Rainier. I wonder will the Expedia headquarters take away some of the view? Love the pretty rose. Wonderful photos. Wishing you a happy day!

  2. ...John, you sure see some fabulous skies on your walks.

  3. Great shots of the Lake and surrounding area. Cute baby Honkers.
    I grew up on the west side or we swam at the west side. We thought the eastside was the snobbish side. LOL

  4. So many beautiful pictures John. I love those blue skies, also love the one with the cirrus clouds, but then, there's the Peace rose. You know I love roses and this one is a beauty. Awesome photos.

  5. Wonderful pictures, and kudos to you for finding an alternative walk so you don't have to start over from 1 again. Those goslings are cute, but the newest ones look oddly shaped to me. :-)

  6. Love the blues and greens of the lake and the geese!

    The city photos are beautiful!

  7. You got some great pictures, John. That rainbow/turned halo is amazing-you got a good picture of it. Don't you just love seeing those baby goslings? I work with my son and we go immediately (meet in the parking lot) for coffee (drive thru)before we start the work day. Anyway, we have been watching this big family of geese everyday and the babies are half the size of the parents now. Today we noticed about 15 new babies all yellow-gold and so sweet looking. They are by the river and, sadly, not afraid of cars at all-I am always afraid I am going to see some of them in the road-but, so far, so good.

    The mountain pictures are amazing, too.

    Have a wonderful night- it is pouring here and has been all day.

  8. Your favorite photos must be sunrises!

  9. Du är en uppmärksam vandrare John! Bilden på ekorrarna där den ena går upp och den andra går ner måste vara en särdeles ovanlig ögonblicksbild som du lyckades fånga i exakt rätt ögonblick.

    Jag gillar vyerna över Seattle med det ståtliga berget Mount Rainier i bakgrunden, så vackert!

  10. Aaaah, love the little goslings, John. So cute.

  11. How cherished and delightful imaged dear John!

    this is amazing to get chance to wander in such splendid area and observe the stunning beauty of nature as well :)

    in frequent and regular walks finding these adorable cute goslings must be a joy

    i always find your sunrises and sunsets GLORIOUS!!!

  12. So many great pictures. All the gosling are so cute.
    Love those pretty blue skies.
    Great view of Mt Rainier.

  13. John, the fence on the beach that you asked about is to keep people away from the nesting area. An endangered bird, the Piping plover nests on Cavendish Beach

  14. Once again you've shared such lovely pictures … it's hard to choose a favourite, but your sky photographs are wonderful :)

    All the best Jan


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....