Friday, February 5, 2021

Winter Skies and Hummers

There's something I really like about sunset after
a clear, cold winter day.

January 22nd

Hummingbirds are very active around sunrise and sunset.

I've been surprised at how much they feed
just before going off to sleep.

Note how little feet fit perfectly on feeder rim.

Clear skies in Seattle but a storm brews in the west
as the day comes to a close.
January 25th

After a night of heavy snow, a clear morning sky
brightens the Olympic Mountains to the west.
February 3rd

Looking across Puget Sound to the west.
At sea level, mostly on the right, entrance to Eagle Harbor,
Bainbridge Island. In the distance, the foothills leading
up to the Olympic Mountains with a fresh coat of snow.
February 3rd

Coming in for a landing.
Male Anna's hummingbird.
One of several at my feeders every day.


If you enjoy critters like I do check out Eileen's Saturday's Critters.  Thanks, Eileen, for hosting and sharing.

Anna's hummingbirds are now regulars all winter in Seattle.

To all my friends and followers ... Take care, be well, and stay safe! Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. I love those mountain views, but then i also love the hummers. I'm glad I don’t have to pick a favourite . Just looking at these hummers, gives me hope for the summer ahead. Today the temperature has been hovering around -20 C and that's cold.

  2. Hummers are tough little birds but it's good somebody gives them some help with nutritious food.

  3. Beautiful pictures. I especially like the views.

  4. Hello John,
    Your views are just gorgeous, I love the sunset and view of the mountains. I am still amazed you can see the Hummingbirds year round and they survive the winter there. I am glad you have the feeders out for these sweet birds. The male Anna's has a beautiful colored head. Lovely series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. Hi John- Very nice photos here- love those Mountain photos. It has been raining here and a cool day- not the usual Summer heat. Stay well and safe there in Seattle. Regards. KEV.

  6. Winter hummingbirds are really appealing — ours migrate to Mexico in the fall.

    be safe... mae at

  7. I love your beautiful mountain pictures. And as always, I enjoy seeing your pretty hummers. Good captures! I've had much less success in taking pictures of them.

  8. Love the view of those mountains. Just spectacular.

    How fortunate you are to have the hummers in the winter! Such amazing creatures!

    Take care.

  9. The views are magnificent! And hummers in the winter are rare even here in the South. What good photos you took!

  10. John you took some brilliant photos there, love the sunsets and the one of the hummingbird coming into land on the feeder

  11. You take some beautiful photos John, the feeder with the sunset in the back is stunning!

  12. Hello John
    There is so much beauty around us, as can be seen in the wonderful photographs you've shared here.
    It's pictures like these that give me a feeling of peace and wonderment.
    Thank you.

    I hope you have been keeping safe and well, take care.

    All the best Jan

  13. Oh my gosh, I would love to have those mountains outsie my window! So pretty.

  14. The hummers are wonderful John. So too is the amazing scenery. I hope that we get to make the trip up I-5 again one of these months when all this Covid is over. I miss my family up there and also the wonderful views of the Mountain s. In the meantime, thank you for sharing the beauty.

  15. Wow, beautiful natural scenery and rich habitats for beautiful birds are represented beautifully through the photos that you share here.
    Thanks for your virtual tour, John. Greetings from Indonesia.


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