Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Today's Walk


Quite chilly this morning. 37F (2.7C) at start of walk. Although I was warmly dressed, I wondered what it was like for the runners in their shorts and t-shirts. 😉

The vessel above is the Pan Flower, owned and registered to Pan Ocean Shipping, with headquarters in Seoul, South Korea. Per their website: "Pan Ocean's newest venture into the agri-trading business aims to create a new corporate value by integrating its shipping and trading experiences, combined with the parent company Harim Group's demand for stable grain supply and its know-how as a heavy buyer of grain."


  1. Great photos. Your skies are awesome as well.

  2. Always that beautiful mountain that looks good in any light.

  3. Hello John,
    Wonderful views and scenes from your walk. I love the view of Mt Rainier! Great photos. Take care, have a happy day!

  4. spectacular skies dear John specially the first image is intriguing !

    your walks are inspirational as always and strengthen my longing for keep walking even if you have only yard to walk :)

    2 c is something we have after nightfall from mid December to mid January mostly ,during days our temperature spins from 5 to 20 hardly . my son says even in winters running can keep one warn enough to wear shorts .he likes to run .
    nice to learn how south Korean ships shipping grains from Seattle .
    health ,peace and happiness to you and family!

  5. What a nice walk! I read that the overnight temperature in Seattle set a new record low. We were almost that cold, but not quite. :-)

  6. Hoi John,

    Very nice photos. It is so good to go outside for a walk.

  7. I 😻😻😻 your pictures
    Hugs from Miami

  8. Hello John
    The weather is definitely cooling, and soup is appearing in my menu plans.
    Lovely photographs from your walk, so nice to see all the different skies and their colours.

    Take care, keep warm and keep walking.

    All the best Jan

  9. Gracias por el link de los poemas de Poe. Te mando un beso


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