Friday, November 26, 2021

Seattle Centennial Park

Although I've shared a multitude of photos from my daily waterfront walks, I don't recall mentioning the trail goes through Seattle's Centennial Park.

At the Start

My walks usually start at dawn.
November 16th.

Sometimes later.

The sky is different every day.
(That seems obvious, doesn't it? But so many people
are so preoccupied with their ego they don't notice nature.)

Start at sunrise.
November 10th.
(First Wednesday on Standard Time)

Another early start.
A cold morning. November 15th.
Dedicated to Commemorate the Port's 100th Anniversary
1911 - 2011

Plenty of clouds this time of year.
Bottom right ... windy!

Mt Rainier

Space Needle with an amazing sky.
November 16th.

Tuesday, November 9, storm damage.

Park workers cleared the path quickly.

Early morning look at Pier 90.
Alaskan fishing vessels dock here in winter.

Ovation of the Seas has stayed in the neighborhood
after completing her Alaska cruise season.

It's unusual for a cruise ship to call Seattle home over the winter.
(Since I started preparing this post, Ovation has gone
south to near San Francisco and is now returning to
Seattle, November 26th)

Getting tied up at the Grain Terminal.
Like my computer often says, "This can take a while."

Got a kick out of the ship's name.
Usually they are feminine.
This one is clearly a KING.

Elliott Bay Harbor - Commercial vessels

I'm often fascinated with the grafitti on the cars bringing
grain to the Grain Terminal. When, where, and why?

Wondered if this was someone's self portrait.
And, what were they smoking? 😵

Fuzzy, but captures the mood: early morning, overcast, rain
on the way.

Downtown from the trail.
Note the small building at far right ... The Smith Tower.
Completed in 1914 it was among
 the tallest skyscrapers outside New York City.

Across the Sound, entrance to Eagle Harbor fogged in.

Goes in the dictionary next to mouthful.

(From a distance I thought it was a wild turkey 😉)

These birds circled around and around staying in the group.

Enjoy more critter photos at Saturday's Critters!

Downtown from the trail.

Always tempting but too windy on this day.

Hummer Update

It's been a while since I've posted anything about my hummingbirds. I continue to be blessed with hummingbirds, off and on, all day, every day. They are a joy!

Closing with a few sunsets from home ...

November 23rd


  1. Hello John,
    Your morning walks sounds great with the trail going through the park and all the lovely views. Great captures of Mt Rainier, the Space Needle and the ships. The sunrises look beautiful. The Hummers are a joy to watch, you are lucky to see them year round. The Muscovy duck is cute and strange at the same time. Wonderful collection of photos. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  2. Hi JOHN,
    Great photos there- some very large ships indeed. Lovely Sunset photos too. Stay safe and well there in Seattle. Near the end of Spring here and it is very cold and rainy...looking forward to the Summer months. Cheers. KEV.

  3. The mountain in the distance...💙

    Have you ever climbed it?

    1. Hi Sandi, Thanks for the question! I admire climbers but I'm not one of them. I just looked up Mt Rainier on Wikipedia and discovered something new. It is "the most topographically prominent mountain in the contiguous United States."

  4. Wonderful pictures, wonderful skies especially. It's so nice to see your beautiful scenery, John. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Your days have so much beauty in them. Thanks for sharing them in photographs taken with love.

  6. I'll have to try to get up earlier to join you! heehee! But it sure is beautiful. And I wish more people enjoyed nature and what it has to give us and less time on 'things'. Enjoy your weekend. Bundle up to get out on those cold mornings!

  7. John, I am stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I miss my hummingbirds, I have to wait for spring to see them here again. I am happy to enjoy your hummer photos. Have a great day and a happy new week ahead.

  8. We like to walk at the same time of day! What a beautiful place to go walking. The lake I used to walk around before we moved here was in a Centennial Park there too. :)
    Such beautiful skies!!!

  9. I left two hummingbirds behind at the float cabin when we left in October for our snowbird RV trip to Arizona. Hopefully they have migrated south or at least to town where they might find some blooms for nourishment. - Margy

  10. Hello John
    Thank you for another wonderful selection of photographs, and I enjoyed your narration of them too, thank you.
    I must admit I tend to do my walks later in the day so do not see many sunrises other than in photographs ...
    However, we have had some nice sunsets recently and the three here in your photographs are gorgeous.

    Enjoy this last weekend of November, and early good wishes for December.

    All the best Jan

  11. I started out, thinking I would or could pick a favorite, but that quickly became impossible. Each of these pictures show beauty in one way or the other. I do like the Space Needle silhouetted against that orange sky.Thanks for sharing these lovely photos and thanks so much for your kind words on my blog.

  12. Your sky photos are always so breathtaking. I'm a lover of trains and at one time traveling on them. Graffiti on the cars has always fascinated me, starting as a child when my parents would drive to the big city and we could watch cars passing by at the railroad crossings, giving us a fleeting glimpse of each cars artwork. It was magical.

  13. What a beautiful morning walk! So many wonderful views. I live 'just down the road'...near Mt. Rainier. Love the boat in the harbor all lit up and the lovely sky photos.

  14. Hi John! :) How nice that you still have hummers! They are long gone here, I'll have to wait until next summer to see them again! Mount Rainier is always so beautiful to see, what a nice walking trail! :)


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