Saturday, December 24, 2022

Winter is here.

From my collection of very old postcards ...

It's that time again. 🌲
Wishing all of you the best. 

Postmarked December 19, 1929

It's been cold in Seattle ...

The heater is on my hummer feeder.

It amazes me that hummingbirds can tolerate
this cold weather ... freezing temperatures.

December 21, 2022
25F / -3.8C

December 12, 2022
Along a frosty waterfront walk.
(Light snow overnight)

I won't even guess how to pronounce the
ship's name. I think it deserves an LOL.

Robins enjoying a fresh drink at the water feature
in my front yard. The moving water in the fountain
did not freeze at 19F.

Before it got so cold ...

View of the city from Kerry Park
December 12, 2022
Closing thought ...


  1. Yes, it's that time of year again, and thank you for your comment and Christmas wishes on my post. Fantastic to have hummers in such cold weather. The heater is really nice. That group of Robins at your bird bath, wow! I have counted a dozen or more cardinals at my feeder during this freezing weather we are having... so exciting. Wishing you much happiness this Christmas time.

  2. Hello John
    Thank you for your lovely comment(s) and good wishes on the low carb diabetic blog.
    I am pleased you found my older comments on your blog posts.
    I still sometimes have problems with blogger comments going into spam when they are clearly known to us and shouldn't !!
    It can be a little frustrating.

    That is a nice image on the old postcard, and I enjoyed your photographs.

    Stay warm and safe and have a Merry Christmas.

    All the best Jan

  3. The robins look like they are ice fishing! It's cold here too, record setting cold. No snow though.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. We have some robins that stay here year round. They are always on the bird count. Birds will appreciate you with the food and water. Stay warm and enjoy your Christmas.

  5. Hello John,
    The Christmas postcard is so pretty! It is great you have a heater on your hummingbird feeder, I am sure the hummingbirds appreciate being able to use the feeder on those super cold days. The Robins do look like they are ice fishing. Cute photos. I love your views of the ships, park and skyline. Stay warm and safe. Merry Christmas John! I wish you joy and peace and all the best in 2023. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy day. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. Hummingbirds go into torpor at night, greatly slowing their metabolism and that enables them to tolerate cold weather. Some species spend their entire lives at high elevations in the Andes. It's great to know that you are taking care of yours, John. Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

  7. Nice to see the old postcards. Robin shot is my favourite today. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  8. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you John. 90+ Deg F here for Christmas Day, now 80 Deg F at 10:00pm - very nice. Cheers. KEV.

  9. Such wonderful picture of your home and skyline. The robins just delighted me! Thank you for all you do for the wildlife, John. And Merry Christmas! You are one of my very favorite virtual family members.

  10. The old postcard is priceless. The hummingbirds in the cold amaze me. Great photos, John. Enjoy the holidays!

  11. Love the old post cards. Great photos of the robins.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  12. I'm a post card collector, too, and what fun ones you shared. Happy and healthy new year.

  13. Bellas postales. Espero que hayas pasado unas buenas navidades con tu familia. Pasaba a desearte un feliz año lleno de prosperidad para ti y para tu familia. Te mando un beso.

  14. Oh this old post card is so pretty!
    I find them special.
    Heater in bird feeder sounds wise and kind .
    Spectacular shots! Love them.
    Nature surprises us with her mysteries so true .Such tiny and delicate looking bird survive through harsher cold .This is luck I guess.
    More blessings


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