Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy 2023

 Happy New Year to all.

Union Station at John's Island

Looking back for a moment ...

Pics from posts 10 years ago ...

(Green Lake - January 4, 2013)
Click on image for better view.

Ten years ago I was walking around Seattle's Green Lake almost every day. Always on the outlook for bird photos ...

A red-winged blackbird at Green Lake
 seemed to not mind us stopping nearby.
(From my post of January 4, 2013)

If I had not taken this photo, I would have
completely forgotten the scene by 
now, ten years later. And that is despite
the fact I really like the photo. 😊 Nature
works sideways at times.

Reposting my short Green Lake video from my post Saturday January 12 2013 ...

Recent Snaps ...

Mallards on a rough water morning.

A Washington State Ferry crossing Puget Sound

MOON getting loaded at the Grain Terminal
What do you think about a ship named MOON?

Last day of 2022 ...

Shortly before sunrise, December 31, 2022,
Seattle from Kerry Park

The Space Needle is purple in remembrance of late legendary University of Washington football coach Don James. James, 80, died last Sunday from a battle with pancreatic cancer.

I snap a photo at this spot when starting every walk.
Last walk of '22 ... December 31, 2022
Overcast, 47F (8.3C)

Last item for this year, my music box video ...

Take care, be well. Best wishes from John's Island.


  1. Love the music box! Happy New Year, John! Here’s to 2023!

  2. Wonderful music box.
    Nice to see the photos from past years.
    Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year.

  3. Your first picture says "Green Lake - January 24, 2023", John. Now that's impossible! All the very best for 2023. I hope it's a great year for you. David

  4. Hello John
    Where did 2022 go? It zoomed by ...
    New Years Eve in our part of the UK has been very wet.
    We had family visit us earlier which was very enjoyable.

    Did enjoy the music box, I was singing along to it :)

    Both Eddie and I wish you a happy and healthy 2023.
    Good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  5. Awesome photos of your area. I enjoy following your blog. Happy New Year.

  6. A lovely set from the year. Happy New Year!

  7. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you JOHN - may 2023 be the best!

  8. Hello John and Happy New Year!,
    Wonderful photos, beautiful view of the Green Lake . Pretty view of the purple Space Needle. Cute capture of the Mallards. You do have lovely views on your morning walk. I loved the music box too. Great post to end the year. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I wish you all the best in 2023, a happy and healthy New Year! PS, thank you for all your comments and links this past year.

  9. I always enjoy seeing you pop up in my news feed, John. And thanks for the decade-old photos. It's reassuring to see how little has actually changed from your viewpoint in a decade. Sending you lots of love from rainy Bellingham! :-)

  10. This is a lovely collection of photos, John. I especially liked the short video about the cold morning on Green Lake. It looks so beautiful, and I bet it was nice to get back in the warmth after that cold walk. I wish you many beautiful walks in 2023 and all the best!

  11. 'Auld Lang Syne' on the Music Box video is the perfect touch! Always delightful to see your pictures and apropos comments. Happy New Year!

  12. Happy New Year, John. Wishing you a year filled with good health and lovely new adventures around your beautiful city.

  13. Thank you for your kind response to my blog "moments frozen in time". It meant a lot to me. I wish you all the best, living in God's presence and seeing each day as a grace-filled time given to you by Him. In all uncertainty, He is our solid Rock, on which we build.

    It's really nice to see old photos. I love the photos of the coast and the ships on your blog every time. And then I think of my ancestors. They sailed on the inland waterways of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. That's all over now. No more skippers in the family. But when I see your photos, I sometimes think back to those times. I hope to continue following you, John. You always write varied blogs. There's something fun for everyone to find.

  14. I think I missed this post last week so I'm happy to read it this morning. It's fun to look back and see photos from the walks we made a few years ago. You see some amazing sights there! Happy weekend and Happy New year my friend!

  15. embroidery to your new garment! Seeing all those marvelous roses reminded me of seeing the incredible hedges of roses (taller than my 5'9") in England. I've never seen anything like it here in Canada and I still remember the scent.

  16. Happy new year dear John!
    Wishing you a glorious new year full of love ,health peace and happiness and prosperity amen!
    It always great pleasure to visit your place that connects me instantly to exceptional beauty of your area .Thank you for sharing magic of your surroundings it makes my day always.

  17. Hope my first long comment went to you

  18. I enjoyed seeing the photos from past years.
    Wishing you a joyous and blessed 2023, John!


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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