Friday, January 4, 2013

Warm and not so

For the warm ...

Dahlias! [Part 2] 

Continuing to feature our photos from visits to the Dahlia garden last summer ... the types of Dahlia are identified with labels on stakes for those who are curious. The next few photos:  Tacoma Eli

Up next:  a Weston Pirate ...

And for the not so warm ...

More recent photos (since January 1) ...

A red-winged blackbird at Green Lake seemed to not mind us stopping nearby.

In the next photo the reflections are the thing ... and does this feel as cold as it was?  (About 30 F)  Be sure to check out Weekend Reflections for more reflection photography.  To all my friends on Weekend Reflections:  Hope you will follow John's Island for my non-reflection posts.

We've had some cold, but really blue-sky days since the beginning of the year.  Not to worry, our rain and milder temps are back today.  Be sure to check out Skywatch Friday for more sky photos.  To all my friends on Skywatch Friday:  Hope you will follow John's Island for my non-sky posts.

Thanks to all for stopping by John's Island and have a great weekend.


  1. Oh your flowers bring such brightness to a cold and windy day here!! Beautiful!

  2. The bird singing is amazing ! Well done, John.

  3. That last shot is beautifully framed!

  4. I love the reflections on the water and your flowers are exquisite!! Have a great weekend!

  5. Colourful reflections of the rowers and beautiful flowers!

  6. The flowers are so pretty and nice to see when outside we have a layer of white.

  7. A terrific series of shots John. Nice capture of the RW Blackbird.

  8. we had a dahlia garden when we lived in Issaquah. I loved them. This is a wonderful post with great pictures. I miss them

  9. Gorgeous shots. I love the shot of the dahlia. Those rowers are pretty brave and dedicated in the cold weather!

  10. Cool idea to post up warm weather and cold weather shots!

  11. Stunning flowers! Happy sky watching.

    Sunken Garden

  12. All great shots. The Dahlia is perfect. MB


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....